Chapter 23:The Meeting Part 1

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"So why do you need my help" I asked.

"Because I have a new plan that nobody will be harmed in the process. And I need you to help me "josh asked.

"Do I have to pretend to be a jackass" I asked.

"No you will arrange the meeting" josh said.


It's been about two hours since I ditched my father. He kept following me but after I ignored him he finally drove off. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm going. I saw a park up ahead and went to sit on a bench.

My phone started beeping. I take it out of my back pocket and answer it no even looking at who was calling.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey Maya, it's Zay I was wondering if you could meet me at Topanga's I really need to talk to you" zay said.

"Ok what time" I asked. Topanga's was not that far from here maybe a thirty minute walks.

"What time can you get there" he asked.

"About thirty minutes" I said.

"Ok try to hurry though" he said.

"Ok see you later" I said.

"See you later, bye Maya" he said.

"Bye zay" I said and hung up. I got up from the bench and started walking.


"Ok see you later" Maya said on speaker.

"See you later, bye Maya" I said.

"Bye zay" she said and hung up.

"Perfect zay. Thank you for setting it up" josh said.

"So what is this plan you have to win over Maya" I asked.

"You will find out but first I need to borrow a hoodie and some shoes" josh said.

"Why" I asked.

"Because I don't know if you know this but Maya has had a crush on me before she probably has seen every single hoodie and shoes I have worn. Part of the plan is me being your blind friend from Texas that came to vist and you need her help to assist me" josh said.

"But Lucas was friends with me so he would be friends with you" I said.

"if she asks 'why can't Lucas help' you say he got held up with family stuff" he says.

"What if she figures out its you" I ask.

"That's part of the plan after we head to the apartment I am staying at she will figure out it's me then you will pretend that I scammed you into thinking it was your friend, we'll say Brandon. You will leave and I will take care of the rest. Got it" she said.

"I swear to god if I find out she gets hurt in any way, I will make sure you end up rotting in the pits of hell" I say.

"Do you have a crush on her or something" he asked.

"No I see her as my little sister" I say. "And I will protect her from any jackass there is. I don't care if I end up in jail. Lucas, farkle and I all promised we will protect Maya and riley no matter what. I don't care if your riley's uncle you will end up dead if something happens to her"

"Alright. Chill she won't get hurt" josh said.

"Good" I say. I went to my closet and grabbed a gray Texas sweatshirt and some white and gray Nike shoes and handed them to josh. "Here"

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