Chapter 20: You Say What Now

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"No that's why you're coming. And Cory, Riley, Auggie, Farkle, Zay, and ranger rick" I say.

"Is there enough room for that" Topanga says.

"Yep there's three bed rooms. One for me. One for you, Cory, and Auggie. And one for Maya and the gang" Shawn says walking in.

"OK then. I guess we are going on vacation" she says.

"Sweet" I say. I walk to Riley's room. I open the door to see that she is asleep. I jump on her bed.

"Ahh" she screamed. She blinked a couple times and then looked at me. "I know we are best friend's peaches, but what the hell was that for" she says.

"Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!" I say jumping up and down.

"What" she said getting up and walking in her closet.

"You have to guess" I said.

"Josh is dead" she says. My smile went to a frown.

"sadly no but I can't believe you said his name it is not allowed to be spoken when I'm around" I say.

"OK I give up" she says walking out in her daily clothes.

"Shawn invited me to go to the Florida Keys in a week for a week" I say.

"That's awesome. Well I'm going to miss you" she said.

"That's not all. Shawn said the whole family can come" I say as Riley smiles ear to ear.

"That's awesome. Wait is uncle j invited too" she says.

"Thank you for not using his name and no he is not coming" I said.

"OK this is going to be the best sleepover ever" she said.

"You want to know something even better" I say.

"Definitely" she said.

"Farkle, Zay, and ranger rick can come to" I say.

"Is their enough room for all of us" she asked.

"According to Shawn there is" I say. "He said your parents and Auggie share a room. He will have a room to himself, and all of us share a room"

"OK then we all have to meet up so we can all talk to them" she says. I grabbed my phone and went to our group chat I started texting them and hit sent.

"Already ahead of you" I say.

"Huh?" Riley said right before her phone dinged.

"Check your phone" I say. She checks her phone and reads aloud

"Hey guys I need to talk to you guys about something can you come to Topanga's in an hour" she reads. Then she starts typing. "Of course peaches"

"I already know you're coming" I say.

"I know you know but they don't know that you know coming" she says showing her phone to me after she hit sent.

A couple minutes later Farkle replied

Of course I'll go anywhere for you my love

Then Zay

Yea I can make it but I might be late. Got to take care of something.

Then huckleberry

Yes I'll be there. C U there.

After about thirty minutes of me talking to riles about random stuff we left to Topanga's. When we got there no body was there, so we just sat in our normal spots.

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