Chapter 14: Busted part 1

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"oh right" Lucas says. and we walk into Maya's room. her eyes immediately shoot out of her head.

" what are you doing to Seth. he's my best friend"Maya says.

" thank you Maya i just needed to see for myself have a nice day. and don't worry your friend is going to be all right" we walk out of her room." in jail" i say. me and Lucas start walking to the police station.

At the police station

When Lucas and I walk into the police station a women walks up to us.

"May I help you?" She asks.

"Yes I am here to talk to the person in charge of the case of the 3 shootings caused by Seth Murphy" I say.

"Why might you talk to them" she ask.

" I don't know if you noticed but I do have a person right here tied with rope. Why would I be here hmm " I say putting a finger on my chin.

"You might want to watch what your saying there young lady" she says.

"I am sorry for her attitude but one of the people that got shot by Seth Murphy was her best friend and has suffered from memory lose so she has not been herself lately" Lucas says to the woman.

"Well I am sorry for your friend come right this way" the woman says and walks away I follow her with Lucas and Seth.

We walk into what I think is the captain's office. Lucas and I take a seat while they take Seth into another room.

"Hello who are you and why are you here" the man speaks.

"Hello my name is Riley Matthews and this is Lucas frier, we are here because my best friend, her mom, and my uncle got shot by Seth Murphy, and the guy you saw tied in rope was Seth Murphy." I said.

"Yes but how do you know he is Seth Murphy" he says.

"Because Maya Hart has lost memories which makes her think her only friends are Seth Murphy and Joshua Matthews. They are the only people she remembers. When I was visiting her and my uncle I wasn't sure who this Seth guy was ...." I continue to tell the man the rest of the story. Which takes forever.

"So you are positive that that guy is Seth Murphy's" he asks.

"Yes. Yes I am" I say.

" well we will be questioning him later will you like to join me" he asks. This is cool I never got to be the investigator before.

"Yes I will be happy to join you" I say.

"OK come back in an hour and we will question him" he says.

"OK thank you very much" I say. Me and Lucas walk out of the station and call zay to catch him up on a whole lot of drama.


Hey guys so this is a short chapter I know. But man Riley's sass to the police was hilarious. I can't believe she did that
What will happen next? What questions will they ask Seth? Will Maya ever gain her memories? Or will Riley lose her best friend forever?

I don't know vote or comment

OK see ya


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