Chapter 13: nobody messes with my best friend

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The doctor entered.

"excuse me are you guys also here for Maya Penelope Hart" he says.

"yes we are" we say.

"we are sorry to inform you she has fallen into a coma" he says and walks out.

"what" we all say including Josh.

" how did this happen she is my best friend i can't believe this someone help me" i say spiting it out really fast and pacing until Lucas grabs me.

"Riley calm down. Maya will be OK" he says.

"how are you so sure she's in a coma Lucas. my life is over my best friend is dead." i say starting to cry.

"she is not dead yet. she is just sleeping Riley that's basically what a coma is" he says

"how are you so sure she is OK" i say.

"this is all my fault. this is all my fault. this is all my fault" Josh kept saying.

"it's not you're fault Josh" my dad says. the doctor walks in but it's not the same guy that told us about Maya.

"oh great let me guess she' dead now" i say.

"i'm not so sure what you're talking about i came to tell you guys that Maya Penelope Hart will be able to come home tonight along with Joshua Gabriel Matthews" he says.

"i thought Maya was in a coma" my dad says.

"i don't know where you heard that nonsense. she is perfectly fine. except she lost a tiny bit of memories" he says.

"well if she lost some memory she is not perfectly fine. it sounds like she is not fine" i start yelling

"i am sorry we are doing everything we can"he says.

"if that was true my best friend would have all of her memories." i say

"Riley calm down she lost a little of her memories that doesn't mean she forgot about you" my dad says.

"fine lets go to her room"i say. then everybody gets up and we head to Maya's room including Josh. we headed in her room. she was watching TV.

"thank god Maya you're OK" i say and hug her.

"i'm sorry do i know you" she says and then looks at Josh." Josh who are these people"

"wait you remember Josh" i say.

"yeah he's my best friend along with a guy Seth Murphy" she says. i am so close to finding Seth and ripping out his heart. i look at my dad.

"i want him dead" i walk out of the room. after awhile i cool down and my dad, Lucas, farkle, and me head home. Josh went back in his room we had said our good-bye till later when we come pick him up, and hopefully Maya will remember me.

later that day

i asked my dad to drop me off at the hospital to see if Maya will remember me but i wanted to drop by uncle Josh. i over heard him with someone.

" our plan worked Maya doesn't remember anyone but me and you" Josh says. he is talking to Seth i can't believe this.

"yes soon we will have her in are hands and we will like how we were in Philadelphia." Seth says. i am not doing this any more i walk in but as my normal perky self.

" hey uncle Josh who's you're friend" i say. he better not lie or else.

" Riley this is Dylan. Dylan this is my niece Riley" Josh says. i know he did not just lie in my face. Seth put his hand out.

"it is nice to meet you i am so sorry about your friend Maya. Josh was just telling me about this Seth guy if i could see him i would punch him in the face for shooting my best friend" he says.

" i would do the same thing" i punched him in the face. "that's what you get for shooting my best friend."

"what are you doing Riley that is not Seth" Josh says. i put rope that i had on me around his hands.

" please uncle jerk you didn't think i was listening outside when you said this was apart of your plan" i say.

" but Riley that really is Dylan"he said.

"Dylan my ass" i said and dragged him out luckily Lucas was here.

" Lucas do you happen to have some rope on you" i say.

" that's like asking a baby if they wear diapers. of course i have rope" he pulls some out of his backpack he was wearing." who is that" he said wrapping Seth in the rope like he did to Maya on her 14th birthday.

" to make sure it's Seth we are visiting Maya since she only remembers Seth and Josh"i said.

" when did you get this smart" Lucas says.

" have you met my parents" i say.

" oh right" Lucas says. and we walk into Maya's room. her eyes immediately shoot out of her head.

" what are you doing to Seth. he's my best friend"Maya says.

" thank you Maya i just needed to see for myself have a nice day. and don't worry your friend is going to be all right" we walk out of her room." in jail" i say. me and Lucas start walking to the police station.


hey guys! let me just say i think that's the longest chapter i have ever wrote. so many things went down. i can't believe this was a plan of Josh and Seth. i hate Seth so much he is just i jerk. i am so happy i got 500 reads this morning. now this is my first book so its a big deal for me.

what will happen next? what will happen at the police station? will Maya gain her memories? will she be stuck forever? will Riley lose her best friend?

 i don't know vote/comment for more.

i think this is more of a girl meets world fan fiction more than a Joshua fan fiction. oh well.


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