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Chapter Eighteen

dear jungkook

Today is a rainy day, it makes me think of the first times that we've wrote to each other. I don't know why I keep being so melancholic and sorrowful these days, but whenever I take in your gift I feel better.

I think, after all, you were right. These illusions that I dreaded to feel in the beginning they are absorbing me whenever I slide this thing across my skin and it's so effortless.

So effortless, we used to say that a lot.

I still can't believe that only in two days I will count among complete emotional ones, like you. I can't await to hold you in my arms, not hear those screams from underneath my room while I try to suppress my tears.

You heard them too, didn't you?


Today it's three of them, Jungkook. I sit in my room, the screams in my ears, my brother is banging against my door.

Hyejin, he yells, please let me inside mommy and daddy are screaming.

But for me, his screams sound so angelic- is it because I took three today or is it because he is an angel like Jungkook?

I don't know, I don't want to know.

Sharp blades against white, almost translucent skin- for one brief moment it looks scary and it also feels that way. It's a split second however, before the feeling and the atmosphere changes and before the red oozes like love from a lovers heart.

If this pleasure is only the beginning, I can't await the ultimate climax.

Five more minutes Yeollie, I call as I suppress a whimper, five more minutes.

Two more days, count down hyejin.

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