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Chapter Eight

Narrator's P.O.V

dear hyejin

We are no hypocrites.

We are not trying to mask the truth of our lives with calculated lies that seemed to over shine everything else.

How do I see your color, you ask.

It is so easy, it is almost embarrassing to say.

Just look at the pretty red ink my and your meaningful words were written with the last few times.

Just look at the beyond beautiful shade, the beyond beautiful hue, the almost perfect saturation and contrast to the crisp white.

You know, don't you?

Yours truly,


She never liked colors, she always held onto that thought for as long as she could remember.

But as much as she would like to say it now, she simply can't. She can't deny the beauty of the red that is slowly dripping from the small cut on her wrist, down onto her bare thighs. For some it is pain, for other's a small, meaningless accident.

But for her it is the key to the release of her pain that was engulfing her every time she waited for Jungkook to write.

So effortless.

She has never felt so mesmerized by something so simple, by something that oozes purity; which makes her feel somewhat calm and serene.

For her, red stands for serenity and peace. She decided on that just now when she discovered the beauty of a color for the first time.

Maybe it was demoniacal, maybe it was portraying sheer pain for others.

But after all; it was her very own color. The perfect saturation in contrast to her translucent, porcelain complexion.

As more droplets of blood are creating a small stream down her forearm, her eyes don't falter in their gaze. In fact, she stares at the tiny, irony river as if it is art; a beautiful painting or a sculpture, something that you're eyes are naturally drawn to.

Gradually, the river is reaching into the deepest sews of her white shirt, creating a small but noticeable patch near her chest, where she can feel her heart beat terribly fast.

She is almost ecstatic as the knife falls out of her hand, the wicked smile tugging at the corners of her pale lips.

dear Jungkook

You were right Jungkook, it is more than just beautiful.

Have a look.


She wipes the letter swiftly over her thigh, the papers absorbing most of the liquid on her smooth thighs, almost eating the cellulose with its intensity.

She stands up, walks to the from of her balcony and lays down the letter with a triumphing smile, before she slips out of the patchy clothing.

-thank you for reading guys ❤️
Please comment, I wanna know what you think!

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