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Chapter Ten

Midnight. Hyejin's home

Hyejin's P.O.V

Oh Jungkook. I have missed you a lot these past days, I breathe out as I am sitting on the small stairs that led from my house to the small garden, so much.

Isn't it good that I'm finally here, I hear his voice behind my back all of a sudden as my heart stopped beating for a split second in that his words arrived to my senses, finally we don't have to simply think of each other.

At that moment everything inside me urges me to turn around to face the owner of the delicate voice that whispers just above my ear. It is everything we ever had up to this moment; within our memories we'd only have our faces whispering to each other.

However, they are always blurred.

I sigh loudly, a smile arising on my lips, tugging them up at the corner.

It's a relief, I say; he sits down next to me quietly, my heart feels so suffocated and dark without you.

That's the thing about love, he says as his fingers extend to brush against the skin of my blushed face, it's not easy. It will never be.

The moment that I turn my face to look into his beautifully glistening eyes, glittered with joy, I mouth that one word that I have feared to say all this time.


It is weird and almost eerie to admit, but even though Jungkook told me he was lifeless I feel more alive and beautiful than ever when I'm around him. It is so ironical, also considering the fact that he pressed an sharp object into my palm.

Love, he murmured as he smiled reminiscently, it's something I thought I'd never feel again, and something I though I'd never make someone feel again. Yet right now, we both seem to almost ooze with the desire to be close to each other.

As he speaks I can't keep my eyes of his moving, cherry lips, his brown eyes that are fixated on me; his all over breathtakingly handsome appearance that makes me sit closer to him, you're right, I murmur, but something is missing isn't it?

I feel the cold of the object against my skin, which urges me to drop my gaze down to eye it for the first time. I immediately recognize the feeling and the sharp touch of the metal, almost as mesmerizing as his presence.

It's the last step I have to take to get perfectly close to him, I know it. But somehow, I can't force myself to give in all that I have got and to thoroughly experience and the power of my color and , ultimately, our love.

Don't worry, he says before he places a sweet kiss on my cheek, I'll give you time, I'll give you all the time you need.

And then, he just vanishes into the cold night air, his warmth lingering for a few more seconds before the cold absorbs me once again.

Am I ready to take the next step?

-the turning point for this story! From this point the story is going to have more of those triggering scenes, the reason will be cleared in the very end. I hope you enjoy reading this kind of story x

lethal love • jungkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora