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Chapter Sixteen


Benzodiazepines (BZD, BZs), sometimes called "benzos", are a class of psychoactive drugs whose core chemical structure is the fusion of a benzene ring and a diazepine ring.
Benzodiazepines enhance the effect of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at the GABAA receptor, resulting in sedative, hypnotic (sleep-inducing), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant properties. High doses of many shorter-acting benzodiazepines may also cause anterograde amnesia and dissociation. It can also work breathing-depressive, triggering dyspnoea (shortness of breath).

One of them lays still in my head, a glass of water in my other. I hear the screams from the room underneath mine, the steps of my younger brother already echoing through the hall. It is only seconds until he will storm inside my room.

I gulp it down and I sigh, the same moment the door opens and my brother steps inside.

We lay in bed while I caress his head, his eyes spilling those tears that I knew from myself. But this pill tonight it saves me from any fears and tears.

dear hyejin

I dare you to try one, you won't feel so much pain anymore. I dare you to take even more if you want to. But sh, don't tell your brother about me, alright?

yours truly,


I don't give him a reply by letter because he stood behind the window as I gulped down one of those round things with the water, I know he was watching my every move in anticipation.

I even feel him whispering right know, my brothers voice slowly distancing.

Good job.

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