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Chapter Five

Today I sit in the nearest park, the leftover warmth from the day keeping me warm in between the cold air that is gradually engulfing my whole being.

The rain, that previously drenched the grass under my feet, left a lingering smell in the fresh air.

I inhale. Then exhale.

My phone starts ringing.

Mom. The display tells me.

But I don't pick up. The white sheet in between my fingers seem much more interesting in this very moment; oddly.

Never trust strangers, sweetie, I hear a mum tell her child at the playground next to me, never accept sweets or anything else.

I do, my subconsciousness answers the young mother not too far away from myself, I do trust strangers. He understands me, it says.

dear hyejin,

We are one. Maybe we were supposed to for a long time already.

I would never feel burdened by you, moreover it was my suggestion or wish in the first place. It was our will in the end, our want to experience the others existence, the others way of being.

You only have to step a little closer to me and I will show you all the bright colors I see. The most fascinating being you.

You make me feel so alive hyejin, how could I ever thank you for the illusion and feelings you give me? How could I ever reward you?

You want to feel? You want illusions? You want to profoundly indulge?

Let's meet on the Korang-Dong Mall rooftop tomorrow at 5, when the sun is slowly giving in for the moon to take over; for it to throw a beautiful, eerie atmosphere on our earth.

I am awaiting you,

yours truly,


Am I crazy?

I mouth the words over and over again, the pen in my hand slightly trembles in between my fingers.

dear jungkook,

I try to step closer to you, yet you seem still so far away, distancing with every move I make. It's almost like fate doesn't want me to expierence your reasonable, emotional existence.

I want to see the colors that shape your day, your life and maybe even the two of us. I'd love to compare to distinguish all the things that are slowly playing a significant role in my rational existence.

Am I turning irrational when longing for the colors you tell me about?

There is only one reward I'd accept, only one way that you can thank me for something that I haven't even intended on doing. There is not much for my gratification, not much for my satisfaction.

Only you.

I will join you.

To feel you.


--heheheheyyyy! Thank you for reading my story once again:)
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lethal love • jungkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora