Chapter 19

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Reid woke up on the floor and looked at Isabelle laying on a couch. He looked at his phone that had no messages which was odd. He was expecting a text from Hotch or Garcia that they had a case. He got up and went through his brown bag to find a comb. He combed his hair and opened the door quietly to not wake Isabelle. He got out and went to the elevator where he then pressed a button to go up. He got to the floor where his team was and saw them sitting at the round table. He walked through the doors, up the stairs and into the room.
"What's going on? I never got a text. Did you guys find anything?" He asked.
"Reid, we were thinking you should stay here with Isabelle and just work with us from here. Isabelle would be safer if you stayed with her." Hotch said.
"Okay." He said taking a seat. "Did you guys find anything?"
Garcia grabbed the remote and started showing pictures of men and women shot and stabbed, and buildings being bombed and set on fire. "They are a group that Jackson was apart of. They kill who they want. They tell each other everything and if someone upset them that day they are killed that night."
JJ shifted in her chair and made a questioning hand motion, "Do we have any idea how many there are?"
Garcia shook her head.
"Well then we better get to work." Hotch said closing his file. "Morgan and Prentiss, you guys head to the prison and see if you can get any information from Jackson. JJ, Rossi and I will talk to police officers and see if they have any useful information." Reid headed back to the room Isabelle was and found the blankets messed up where she was sleeping. He freaked out a little but then realized it was irrational to think that she could have been taken. Although he knew how unlikely it was all possibilities ran through his head. He shut the door and walked to the coffee room. He walked through the door just as Isabelle was walking out.
"Whoa!" She said taking a step back and watching as her coffee swooshed in her cup. She laughed and looked up at Spencer's apologetic face.
"Are you sure you're a genius?" She chuckled sarcastically.
"How does that coffee taste?" He asked as she took a sip and made a face.
"Well I mean, it's no caramel frappuccino, but it does the job." She said smiling.
"Bad dreams again?" He asked as they walked back to the room they were given.
"Mm yeah. It's okay though." She said taking a seat on the couch.
"They go away you know. You can talk to me if you want to." He said. She realized he's had the same problem.
"It's just, coming to realize how twisted of a person he really is. To think at one point in time, I believed every lie he ever told me. I cared about him. More then myself I guess. He manipulated me. He threatened me. Told me if I were to ever leave him that he'd kill himself. I was stuck in his trap for years. He told his friends stories about me. How I was basically his little toy. An object. They called him cool and me a slut. I guess that's how it is right? Guy does stuff with a girl and he's a man. Girl does stuff with a guy and she's a whore." She gave a shrug and looked down at her coffee.
"But you never did anything with him did you?" Spencer asked already knowing the answer. She shook her head.
"No. But that wasn't the first time he put his hands on me. He never physically abused me but when he got mad, I truly thought he would. He broke me down emotionally and mentally till I was so insecure that when he told me he was the only one who would ever love me, I believed it. I was so broke down mentally that I didn't even know the person who was in control of my body. My words. My actions. He always felt me up but I would never let him get as far as removing clothing. As many times as I removed his hands from my body they found their way back." Tears swelled up in her eyes. "My dreams aren't what you think they would be about. In my dreams he isn't abusing me. He has apologized. He is the guy I made him out to be a long time ago. Kind, caring, compassionate. Then I wake up. And I have to remind myself that that's not who he was. That's the illusion I saw." She let a tear fall and it landed on her ripped jeans. She hastily wiped her cheeks and eyes and looked to Spencer sitting next to her. She put her coffee down on the table and he gave her a hug allowing her to rest her head in his shoulder. He kissed her on the head as she stared blankly at the wall across from them.

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now