Chapter 15

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"Isabelle?" Spencer said pushing her arm a little bit.
"Hmm?" She mumbled.
"Iz, you have to get up. They're giving me medicine." He said. She opened her eyes.
"Oh." She said starting to get up. A doctor came in and injected something into the tube he was connected to.
"How do you feel?" The doctor asked.
"I feel good. Well good for being just recently shot in the shoulder." He said.
"Well that's good. If you want, I'll call in Doctor Jets and we can have you ready to go in a matter of 30 minutes." She said.
"Yeah, that'd be great, thank you." He replied. She smiled at both of them and left.
"When are you going back to work?" Isabelle asked.
"I don't know. I'll have to ask Hotch what case they are doing. If I can't go I'll probably work with Garcia here." He said.
"I'm surprised you haven't already talked to Hotch yet." She laughed. He gave a chuckle and a shrug.
"You're going to go back right away aren't you?" She said still smiling.
He gave a nod, "Well as soon as I can.
Isabelle, when you save an animal, isn't it the most fulfilling feeling?" He asked.
"Yes." She said smirking knowing where he was going with this.
"If you knew that you could have saved an animal but you didn't, or didn't even try, wouldn't that just make you feel guilty in a sense?" He asked
She nodded. She cared for him extensively, even more so due to his love and courage for his job and saving people. However seeing him in the hospital like this again, twice in just the 4 months of time they've known each other, worried her.
"When I sit out on a case that's how I feel," he continued, "I feel like I could have helped and saved more people instead of just sitting at home trying to read books with my bullet hole wounded arm." He said.
"Yeah I understand. Just please don't get hurt. Again." She said.
"I'll try." He said. The doctor came back with another doctor and they started unhooking him from everything. They gave him his clothes back and he got changed.
"Spencer your shirt is bloody." Isabelle stated.
He smiled, "I have clothes in my car." He turned to the doctors and said thanks. They gave him pills and put his arm in a sling and they left. As soon as they got to his house Isabelle went to the back seats of his car and picked up the bag his clothes were in. They entered the house and Spencer went into his room.
"So what are you doing with the dog?" He asked as she walked in.
"Oh well her name is Olive and she's staying with my parents for a while. Until I find an apartment of my own." She said putting the stuff on the bed and pulling a shirt out of the bag. She turned to face him as he was attempting to take of his sling. She laughed playfully at his failing attempts.
"Here, let me." She said moving over and reaching around him to unbutton it. It snapped undone and she slid it off his arm, slowly lowering it so it didn't hurt him. She looked up into his eyes and he was already looking at her.
"Uh, thank you." He said awkwardly. She smiled and turned away to look at his other shirt.
"Take that bloody one off. I'll unbutton this one." She said starting to unbutton the one on the bed. He stood there for a second a bit confused but then realized what she was saying. He flinched as he moved his arm to unbutton the top of his shirt. He got to the bottom and looked up to see Isabelle staring at him. She moved closer to him and he seemed uncomfortable. She tried not to look at his impeccable body as much as she wanted to to avoid creating most discomfort for him.
"Spencer?" She asked looking up at him. He was off in his own mind.
"Spencer?" She said touching his face. He looked down at her.
"Yeah?" He asked quietly.
"Do you trust me?" She asked.
"More then anyone else in this world." He said. She gave a kind smile and carefully removed his shirt. She put on his other shirt and began to button it up from the bottom. She got to the top and looked him in the eyes. To avoid his wounded right arm she brought her right arm up to his neck and pulled herself up gentely to give him a kiss.
"Spencer Reid?" She asked pulling away enough for them to look at one another.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"I love you." She said. He stared at her for a while. As if he was trying to savor the moment like he wouldnt remember it.
"I love you too." He finally said. She smiled and they kissed again. He wrapped his left arm around her waist. She pulled away and walked over to his bed where his sling was. He flinched as she put it back on.
"Sorry." She said sounding sincere.
"What time is it?" He asked.
"It's 10:30 a.m." She said.
"I'm going to go check in with my team really quick and see what I can do." He said starting to walk into the living room.
"Okay well I'll be here." She said going to sit on the couch. He took his keys and went out the door. He drove to the BAU and walked in the glass doors. He saw everyone sitting at the meeting table. He walked up the stairs and walked in.
"Reid, what are you doing here?" Prentiss asked.
"I'm here to solve the new case with you guys." He said taking a seat. He realized the board wasn't on and Garcia wasn't up there, Hotch was. He looked around and saw everyone looking at him.
"Reid, where's Isabelle?" Hotch asked.
"She's at my apartment. What's going on?" He asked.
"You need to go get her. Jackson escaped." Hotch said sternly.

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now