Chapter 5

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The wind was howling as she drove home to pack a bag of clothes. He followed her in his car. She parked her car in the driveway and walked in through the garage. Her dog barked and whined so she greeted her with a warm pat on the head and back scratch. The dog wined some more and ran to the door. Isabelle opened the door and let her outside. She ran downstairs, grabbed a duffle bag and quickly started packing. She packed enough for three nights. Just in case. She heard her dog bark, zipped up the bag and ran back upstairs.  She let the dog back in and it darted into the living room. "Oh no. Hey!" She said racing into the living room. She was half way past the kitchen when she saw paper on her counter. She stopped in her tracks and turned towards the recently spotless counter. She slowly walked towards it and looked down at the papers. They were the dog flyers. Every last one of them. She began to pick them up but then was startled by a buzzing in her pocket. She reached in and pulled out her phone. It was a text message from Spencer. She laughed at herself for being so frightened. She flipped it on its side and slid it up to text back. Suddenly a gloved hand covered her mouth and another grabbed at her waist pulling her away from the counter. She dropped her phone and tried to fight but he was too strong. She could feel her heart beating faster and faster. She heard him push open the back door and she could see street lights glaring from above. She shook her head free for a split second and tried screaming Spencer's name but all she could get out was "Spe-" before her cries were muffled again. She struggled and shook trying to make it harder for him to pull her back but her efforts were pointless. She was hit on the head and thrown into a van. She tried to scream one last time but no sound would come out and then all she could see was black and all she could hear was the van door shutting.

Minutes had past since he had sent that text. He read it again hoping that she would reply after he re-read it. "Are you okay?" It said. He looked up from his phone and looked at the house. The front door was standing wide open and she had been in there for 15 minutes. He unbuckled his seat belt and ran inside. The dog jumped on him as he entered and he kneeled down to look at it and cup its face in his hands. As he was looking at the dog he saw a red phone laying open on the floor near the counter. He walked over to it and saw that it was left on his text. A ringing interrupted the silence and he picked up the phone and answered it.
"Hello?" He said trying to stay calm.
"If you want her, you better find me. And I would try to hurry. Sometimes I just can't control myself." A voice said. It sounded deep and sort of muffled. Like he was wearing a mask of some sort. Spencer dropped the phone and took his out of his pocket. He dialed one number and it started to ring.
"Hello?" A tired voice answered.
"Hotch, I need your help." Spencer said almost begging. The next morning everyone; JJ, Morgan, Rossi, Garcia, Hotch, and Prentiss, all stood around the circle table as Spencer spoke.
"I really need your guys' help. Please." He said quietly. He looked down and said, "I'm not thinking straight. I can't do this on my own."
JJ put her hand on his shoulder. "We'll help you Reid. We'd do anything for you." He looked up at her with his eyes all swollen and red.
"Okay." Hotch said, "We need to start with victimology."

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ