Chapter 17

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"What?" He asked quietly looking down at her.
"I already said I would do it. I'm going to do it Spencer." She said.
"No." He said softly. His voice picked up and he looked at Hotch. He shook his head. "No. No I'm not going to let my girlfriend go out there and get herself killed. He doesn't just want her as a toy anymore he knows he'll lose."
"Spencer!" She said taking a step back. He continued. "He's mad. He wants her dead and I'm not just about to let that happen." He looked at her again. "I won't let you die."
"Reid, she's made her choice." Hotch said. He snapped his attention back to him.
"As her boyfriend I feel as though I should get an input in this suicide mission and I say no."
"Then I'm breaking up with you." She said. He looked back at her stunned.
"What?" He asked as though everything had just been erased.
"If my boyfriend gets to make my decisions then for this decision I don't need a boyfriend. You are no longer my boyfriend until this plan has been followed through." She said. He was angry and confused all at the same time and his emotions showed on his face.
"Reid I need to talk to you. Isabelle, will you give us a minute?" Hotch asked.
"Of course." She said. Reid never once looked at Hotch until she left the room the door clicked and she had left.
"Spencer I know you're upset but I don't like-" Hotch started calmly before being interrupted.
"Upset? No Hotch, I'm not upset. I'm furious. How could you tell her the plan before you told me?! How can you not see all the dangers of this situation you want to put her in?! I could count them all for you but I can't focus on anything for more then 6 seconds at a time!"
"Reid, you need to sit down." He said sternly. Reid shook his head.
"I can't." He said.
"I understand all the dangers. The team and I have looked over them all and we've decided it's the best way to catch him. We won't let him hurt her. You know that." Hotch said. Reid looked around the room for a minute.
"I can't stop thinking about her. How scared she was. She would scream in the middle of the night Hotch. You're asking her to face her worst nightmare again. To try to act calm. I don't know if she can do it." He said.
"Spencer, she's strong. She can do it. We'll train her how she needs to act. The question is, can you do it? I'm not even sure you should be going with your arm the way it is. If you're just going to interfere then maybe you shouldn't be going." Hotch said. Reid looked at him.
"I have to go. If she's going I will be there." He said.
"She'll be okay Reid." Hotch said. Reid put his hand in his pocket and shook his head slowly.
"Yeah." He said defeated opening the door. He walked out with Hotch following behind him. The whole team looked away and started talking to each other like they hadn't been watching. Isabelle watched as Reid came in and sat in a chair across from her. He hadn't even looked at her once.
"So when will we be doing this?" Isabelle asked.
"How long have you guys been together?" Hotch asked.
"4 months, 5 days, 11 hours, and 36 minutes." Reid said while staring at him. Isabelle looked over at Reid wishing he would look at her.
"Okay." Hotch said taking Isabelle's attention. "We'll do this tonight. Isabelle where do you normally go? Is there a place where he would think to look for you besides your house?"
"Yeah." She said. "The bar. I always go there when I don't have a boyfriend." Reid looked at her for a second but then looked away.
"You're going to need something to wear." Morgan said.
"I don't really have anything." She said. Everyone turned to look at JJ and Prentiss.
"I might have something." Prentiss said. Isabelle smiled.
"Thanks." she said.
"Uh, JJ and I'll get you ready. C'mon." Prentiss said standing up with JJ. They got to the door and Isabelle stopped.
"Spencer?" She asked. He sat there for a minute like he wasn't meaning to ignore her so she tried again.
"Isabelle go." He said turning to look at her. He realized how harsh it sounded and added "We'll talk later." She stood there for a minute and finally left.
"Don't worry about him." JJ said. "He's just acting out. That's how he deals with things. I love him to death but he can definitely handle things better."
Isabelle shrugged.
"Well that should get annoying." Isabelle said.
Prentiss laughed. "Yeah it does sometimes but he rarely ever gets mad, and anger is really only a secondary emotion for hurt, sadness, and fear. He cares about you a lot."
"I know." Isabelle said. They got into Prentiss' car and drove to her house. They looked through her closet as Isabelle sat on her bed. Prentiss pulled out a dress that was dark blue and tight. It was a short dress that hugged her figure nicely. It had white jewels covering the top half of the right side and the strap on that side. It was the only strap on the dress. Some of the back of the dress was open. Isabelle changed in Pretiss' bathroom and JJ helped her with her makeup while Pretiss was doing her hair.
"There you go." JJ said turning her around to face a mirror.
"Wow." She said looking at herself. She turned to JJ and Emily and said thank you. By the time they got back to the team it was 4-o-clock. She walked into the door way of the conference room where everyone turned to look at her.
"Hey, well look at you!" Morgan said. She gave a little laugh.
"Thanks Morgan." She said. She looked at Reid who was looking at her.
"Well I'm going to get some food from the vending machine." Rossi said looking at the rest of the team.
"Yeah I will get something." Prentiss said.
"Yeah we should probably go get some coffee or something." JJ said nodding towards Garcia.
"Yup." Garcia said. In a matter of seconds everyone was gone and all that was left was Reid and Isabelle.
"So?" She asked as he got up and walked towards her.
"You look beautiful." He said. She smiled.
"Thanks." She said.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.
"Yeah Spencer. I'm sure. I want to catch him. Don't you?" She asked.
"Yeah I do but not at the cost of you." He said. She moved closer to him to where she was close enough to grab his hand.
"I'll be okay Spencer. Trust your team. Trust me." She said looking up into his eyes.
"It's not you I don't trust." He said after a while. "I trust you. I trust my team. It's just-"
"I don't trust him either." She interrupted. "But I trust your team and I trust you to keep me safe. I'll be okay Spencer." He nodded. She gave him a kiss and then pulled away.
"Okay," he said, "then let's do this."

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now