Chapter 13

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Spencer's alarm went off and they both sighed. He got dressed into a black button up shirt and a tan stripped sweater vest. She got dressed into her scrubs and they both went to work. When she arrived she went into the back and got the black lab. Mason walked in after her.
"I'm glad to see you're back. How are you holding up?" He asked.
"I'm fine. I just have to deactivate the chip in this dog." She said getting into her computer as the dog wandered around the room.
"Well I'm glad you're back." He said.
"I really appreciate that." She said.
Spencer got to his desk and sat down.
"Hey JJ come check this out." He said. JJ walked over to where he was sitting and he pulled out a deck of cards.
"I learned a new trick, you wanna see?" She smiled and said agreed.
"Alright shuffle the cards." She took the cards and started to shuffle. Morgan and Prentiss walked over.
"New trick?" Prentiss asked.
"Yes." Spencer said, "okay now pick a card." JJ picked a card in the middle.
"Now look at it, and remember it. Now give it back." He said taking the card and putting it in the pile.
"Now shuffle them again." He said. JJ took the deck and shuffled them some more.
"Here, give me those." Morgan said grabbing the deck. "I'll shuffle them." He said looking at Reid. Reid smiled and took the cards back. He split it into two decks, shuffled them once and picked the card off the top.
"Is this your card?" He asked. JJ rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Yeah that's my card." She said. Morgan laughed.
"Kid, you really are something."
"That's unbelievable." Prentiss said walking back to her desk.
Hotch walked in the big doors and said "We have a case." Reid shoved his cards into his bag and they all went into the conference room.
"Okay." Garcia said grabbing the remote. "Last night in Austin, Texas a man was brutally beaten and stabbed. His name was Steve Forest. See, but here's why you guys are investigating it, there have been 3 other murders exactly like it. Jennifer Brick, Simon Trevors, and Christian Val."
"Beaten and stabbed, it's most likely hatred." Reid said.
"Where were the bodies found?" Rossi asked.
"In a ditch on the side of the road." Garcia said.
"And how far apart in time were they all murdered?" Prentiss asked.
"Only by a couple days. Jennifer and Simon were three days apart but Christian and our most recent victim are only two days apart."
"He's getting faster." Morgan stated.
"And more dangerous. Wheels up in 30." Hotch said. They all packed up their stuff and got on the jet.
Reid texted Isabelle and said, "Hey, we got a case in Texas. We are heading out now. If you can't be alone, stay with your parents and take a couple days off work. I'm sure they'd understand."
She replied quickly after, "Okay. Be careful." He put his phone away and they went over the case.
"So he is most likely murdering out of anger and hatred, but why these people?" Rossi asked.
"They could have done something to him in the past, or they could owe him something." Morgan said.
"I feel like this is more powerful then them just owing him something." JJ said.
"I agree with JJ, something has to be seriously pissing him off." Prentiss said.
"Okay when we land Reid and JJ go to the morgue, Morgan and Prentiss victimology, Rossi and I'll talk to the family's." Hotch said.
"Wounds are basically the same on all of them. My guess is that he stabbed them, and then beat them." The morgue man said.
"What did he beat them with?" JJ asked.
"It says here that they are bruises from punches and kicking." Reid said looking up from the clipboard.
"So that tells us some about his physical shape." JJ said.
"Yeah. That and his his state of mind. He beat them after he killed them." Reid said.
"But why? If it's not to inflict pain why would he do it?" JJ asked.
Morgan and Prentiss went to the police station where Hotch and Rossi were talking to the family's. Reid and JJ walked through the doors.
"Anything?" JJ asked.
"They have absolutely no resemblance to one another." Prentiss said.
"What about you guys?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah, so we found out that he is killing them and then beating them, but to beat them he isn't using a weapon." Reid said. Hotch and Rossi came out of the rooms in which the families are in.
"What did they say?" Prentiss asked.
"Well they all basically had the same answer. They were all liked. Had a great job, great future. It was unexpected." Rossi said.
"You guys," Reid said looking critical, "what if they are schizophrenic? What if they aren't meaning to kill these people, but they are having delusions or hearing voices telling him to kill them?"
"I think we're ready to give the profile." Hotch stated.

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now