Chapter 18

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They all were sitting at the round table with Hotch up front.
"So when you get there, just act normal. Like you would if you were single." Hotch said.
"And when you see him try not to be scared. You're going to be there like you were waiting for him. You saw the news, and you knew he would come for you. You and Reid broke up and you realize that he is the only one that understands you. The only one that loves you." Morgan said.
"You want him back. He might be angry, you just have to go with it. Let him know how sorry you are. Tell him how stupid you were and what a big mistake it was. Make him believe you want him." JJ said. Isabelle nodded.
"Okay." She said.
"It won't be easy," Prentiss stated, "but we know you can do it."
JJ got up and picked up a wire from a drawer.
"We're going to attach this microphone to the inside of your dress so we can hear everything going on. When you get him outside of the bar we'll surround him and he will be back in jail okay?" JJ said hiding the microphone inside her dress.
"Okay. What time is it?" She asked.
"8:30. Time to go." Hotch said. They got to the bar at nine. Hotch, Rossi and Prentiss pulled up on the right side of the building and JJ, Reid, Morgan and Isabelle were on the right. JJ was also dressed to go inside and be in there watching.
"Are you sure about this?" Reid asked turning to face Isabelle. She leaned in, gave him a kiss and the best smile she could conjure up at this time.
"I'm sure." She said. She looked strong but Reid could see a glimpse of fear flash over her eyes. She had every right to be afraid. She got out of the car and JJ got out of the passenger seat and Reid got out to sit up front. JJ smiled at Isabelle and nodded at the car Hotch, Prentiss and Rossi were in. They walked in and parted. JJ went to a side and Isabelle went forward to the actual bar trying to stay in JJ's view. They waited there for 45 minutes. Isabelle and JJ shared a look of boredom.
"Are we sure he's even going to come?" Rossi asked.
"No but it's worth a shot." Hotch said.
"Hey Reid look." Morgan said pointing to a man walking into the bar. "Hey JJ is that him?"
"Yeah that's him. He's heading to Isabelle right now." JJ said. Isabelle gave her a scared look and JJ nodded towards her in an "It'll be okay" sort of way.
"Isabelle Wave, is that you?" He asked standing in front of her blocking JJ's view.
"Jackson, I knew you'd know where to find me. I heard you escaped and I knew it would be my only chance." She said.
"Only chance at what? Getting me arrested again?" He said touching her hair.
"No. No that was a huge mistake. Being with that guy was a huge mistake. You were right Jackson. All along. I should have trusted you when you told me no one else out there would love me like you do." She said gently putting her hand on his trying her hardest to not shake.
"Yeah you should have trusted me. I told you Isabelle. Nobody loves you. Let me guess, it ended because you wouldn't give him what he wanted right? I told you Isabelle. Every guy wants sex. And you wanting the right guy is insane. No one is going to wait until you're ready Isabelle. Nobody likes you that much. If you don't give a guy what he wants, he's gone. I've told you that before." He said getting angry.
"I know. I know and I should have believed you. You were right. I was just a stupid little girl who thought life was a fairytale." She said trying to calm him down.
"You were stupid. You still are stupid. So what? Now you are here, waiting for me?" He asked.
"Yes. It's always been you Jackson. That other guy made me realize how lucky I was to have you and what a disaster my life was without you. I want you Jackson." She said moving her hand up his arm.
"Oh yeah? How did he make you realize that?" He asked putting his hands on her waist and pulling her close. She paused for a minute. Feeling his hands on her again made her lose her words.
"Uh, he uh, he just didn't get me like you do." She said getting back on track. She looked past Jackson and saw JJ and instantly felt safer. "You were right Jackson. He just wanted to use me." She said. He brought her closer and it made a muffling noise on the microphone.
"What's going on JJ?" Reid asked.
"He just has her close. That's all." She replied. He looked down and whispered something to her but still loud enough for the microphone to pick up.
"Some guys just don't deserve you Isabelle. I think if any guy should get you in bed it should be me. I've fought for you. I've always been there for you. It's always been me Isabelle. Some guys may want you, but I deserve you." He said moving his hands lower.
"Hotch," Reid said getting impatient.
"Not yet Reid." He said.
"Kid," Morgan said getting his attention, "she'll be alright."
Isabelle closed her eyes. The feeling of him on her was suffocating. "Yeah. You do." She muttered.
"So tell me," he said, "you liked being kidnapped didn't you? I know it turned you on."
"Hotch please." Reid begged putting his hand on the handle to the car door. He knew she would be okay but he knew what Jackson was thinking and it was nauseating for him to not stop it.
"No." He said.
"Spence, she's okay." JJ said.
"Yeah. I loved it. You know just how to get me hot." Isabelle said.
"You liked being in chains didn't you?" He asked grabbing onto her waist and violently thrusting her closer to him. She grunted and Reid shifted uncomfortably and agitatedly.
"Oh the things I'm going to do to you." He said. She pulled away.
"Why don't you show me?" She asked leading the way to the door. He stopped when they were right about to leave.
"Isabelle, I'm glad you finally came to your senses." He said. She smiled.
"Me too." They walked out the door.
"Alright let's move." Hotch said. Jackson gave her an unexpected kiss and she made a face and pulled away realizing what she had just done.
"I knew it." He said.
"Jackson it's the FBI, you're surrounded, put your hands in the air and-" Hotch was interrupted by the cocking of a gun and the painful gasp of Isabelle's hair being pulled. Jackson had a gun to her head. JJ came out of the bar with her gun out.
"Reid stay in the car." Hotch said quietly into the microphone. Everyone was out there except for him.
"Jackson put the gun down." Morgan said. Jackson laughed and shook his head.
"You guys just don't get it do you? If she can't be with me, then she can't be with anybody." A gun fired.

Reid races out of his car and in front of the bar where the shot was made. It was Jackson. Rossi had shot him in the shoulder and he had thrown Isabelle to the side. She was staring at him when Reid got there. He helped her up and kept her close.
"You did it." He said. She was breathing really fast. "You did it." He repeated.
"They know you now Isabelle. You aren't safe anymore. Not even your boyfriend or his team can keep you safe." Jackson said as he was being cuffed and being picked up off the ground. He let out a screech of pain as they pulled his arms behind his back.
"Get him out of here." Hotch said.
"You're alright Isabelle." Spencer said. He looked at the rest of the team with worried eyes and they all looked at each other.
"Here." He said helping her into the car. "Stay here. I'll be right back." He shut the door and went back to the rest of the team.
"I believed him when he said she isn't safe." He said.
"Yeah, we did too. The question is, is she safe enough staying at your house or should we keep her at the BAU?" Prentiss asked.
"We'll keep her at the BAU. Our priority will be to find these people who are after her." Hotch said.
"I'm going to stay with her." Reid said. Hotch nodded. They went to Reid's apartment and got all the stuff they would need. They went to the BAU and got situated.
"Are you okay?" Reid asked her. She gave him a weak smile.
"I will be." She said.
"Can I be your boyfriend again?" He asked causing her to laugh.
"I wouldn't want it any other way."

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