Chapter 9

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Reid opened his eyes and saw a blue tile ceiling and heard beeping next to him. He turned his head to see he's hooked up to an IV and a chest monitor. JJ is sitting in a chair next to him.
"Hey Spence. How are you?" She asked.
"Well my face kinda hurts but I think I might be okay." He said. She laughed.
"Um, Spencer, I'm so sorry. I should've stayed with you. Whether you wanted me to or not, I should've gone, I'm sorry." She said. Spencer gave her a weird look.
"JJ, you didn't do anything wrong."
"I should've been there."
"You couldn't have known that was going to happen. Don't blame yourself."
She reached out and grabbed his hand. She began to stand up and let go. "I should go tell the doctor you're awake."
"JJ wait." He said trying to get up.
She turned around and looked at him.
"She's okay Spence. Dehydrated and she has a concussion but she's okay."
He nodded and she left, a doctor came in soon after. He got unhooked from everything and walked out of the room greeted by his team who was waiting right outside. Everyone gave him a hug and talked to him. He looked around and felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked over to see Morgan.
"She's in room 245. I think she's awake. Her parents are in there with her but I'm sure she would like to see you." He said. He patted Reid on the back and Spencer started walking down the brightly lit hallway. He got to her room and could hear her laughing with her parents. He knocked on the already open door and everyone looked at him. Her bed was sitting up a bit and after meeting her eyes with his she gave him a smile. Her mom squeezed and then let go of her hand. Both her parents got up and went to leave the room. Her dad grabbed Reid's shoulder and smiled at him. Reid walked into the room and stood close to her by her bed.
"I'm sorry." She said. He shook his head. And she continued, "I should've told you. I didn't know he was dangerous and I didn't know he would come after you and I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that or to be there and I-" the rest of her sentence was cut of by Spencer's lips touching hers. He brought his hands up and brushed them through her hair. Her arm that wasn't connected to the IV wrapped around his neck. They pulled apart and she brought her hand down to his hand. "Did you get a concussion too?" She asked. He laughed.
"No. I just wanted you to stop talking. And you look really beautiful." He said. She laughed and shook her head.
"I feel really embarrassed about all of this Spencer." She said. He looked at his fingers running through her hair and then at his other hand in hers.
"You don't need to be Isabelle. None of that was your fault. You had no control, and it doesn't change what I see when I look at you." He said moving his eyes to hers.
"What do you see?" She asked.
"I see you. I see your beautiful wavy brown hair, I see your shining green eyes, I see your huge beautiful smile," she laughed and he continued, "I see that red dress you wore. I see your rosy cheeks and your purple painted perfect nails." He said lifting her hand. "I see you Isabelle. And how Jackson wanted me to see you, backfired because now I see you are stronger, braver, better than you were before. How you think I see you, I will never see you like that. Ever."
"You have an eidetic memory Spencer."
"Yes. I will never un-see what I saw. I can't, but there is no need for you to feel ashamed because of the situation. Iz, I was beat to a pulp back there, that's not really what I'd like you to have seen of me neither. But Izzy, what I saw doesnt change how I view you, how I think about you, or how much I care about you. I told you how I see you. You may think that I see you differently now but I don't. You're still the same beautiful Isabelle I remember meeting and the bar." He wiped a tear off of her cheek.
"Spencer, how will I get past this? He was in my childhood. He manipulated me. He lied to me. Told me I could trust him. That I could let my guard down around him. That he would never hurt me. He tried to touch me when I was 14. It took me years to get over that but this, this is even worse." She said.
"Well now, you have me. I won't let anything bad happen to you again okay? He took a lot away from you when you were younger but you grew stronger from that just like you'll grow stronger from this. Do stories make you feel better because I have one that might make you feel less embarrassed." He said taking a seat.
She laughed "What could be more embarrassing then being stripped by your ex-boyfriend in front of your new boyfriend?"
"Being stripped completely naked in front of the whole high school." He replied.
"Yeah, okay, tell me more." She said.
"Well I was 12 in high school because I got through school really fast being able to read 20,000 words a minute and an IQ of 187. So the prettiest girl in school told me to meet her behind the school. So I did. I was wearing a blindfold, heard laughing and realized I was in front of the entire school. I was stripped naked and tied to a goalpost for hours." He chuckled at her disgusted shocked look.
"Oh my god Spencer that's awful!" She finally said after like 30 seconds processing.
"Yeah. I was a child prodigy. I was not exactly treated kindly." He shrugged.
"Oh my god. Spence I'm so sorry."
"You're not supposed to feel sorry for me, your supposed to feel better." he said chuckling. 
"Yeah, you're right, I do feel better. Thank you," she said smiling and bringing both her arms up to give him a kiss" she was slowly picking up her arm with the IV in it while attempting to not move it too much. He laughed, shook his head and pushed her arm back down.
"Don't hurt yourself," He said gently while leaning down to kiss her. She smiled and wrapped her free arm around him as their lips intertwined.

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now