Chapter 10

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She and Spencer walked out of the hospital together talking and laughing.
"Hey Spencer, I have a question to ask you." She said while walking to his car.
"Yes?" He asked.
"When I was sleeping I had a weird dream and I decided that I don't want to be alone. In that house at least. I would stay with my parents but they live 60 miles out of town and I still have to work. Is there any chance I could stay with you? It would be just until I can find an apartment or I can find the courage to stay in that house by myself." She said stopping at his car.
"Isabelle you can stay with me for as long as you need. We can stop by your house and get everything you need. I'll go in with you this time." He said opening the door for her to get in. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he held her close.
"Okay well then, let's go." She said pulling away and getting into his car. They arrived at her house and she stared at it for a minute. He grabbed her hand and she looked over at him.
"You ready?" He asked. She nodded and they got out of the car. They walked into the house and they were greeted by the dog.  Isabelle walked down to her room with Spencer following behind her. She brought a suitcase out of her closet and filled it up with clothes, her tooth brush, tooth paste, hair brush, and mascara. Spencer sat on the bed and played with a rubix cube.
"Spencer are you ready to go?" She asked with her suitcase in hand.
"Hold on." He stared intensely at the cube and did a few more turns to finish it. He put it nicely on her dresser and they left. They got to his apartment and went inside. She saw all of his books and stood there in aw.
"I read pretty fast." He said standing behind her.
"I can tell. No normal person has this many books." She turned around to face him.
"Yeah I'm not sure if you've noticed yet but I'm not exactly what you would call 'normal'. " He said smiling.
"Well we both can be weird together." She said standing on her tippy toes to give him a kiss. She put her stuff down in the living room and pulled a blanket out of her suitcase. She laid it over the couch and went to lay down.
"Isabelle, you're not sleeping on the couch." He said walking into the room.
"Hmm?" She asked.
"You're not sleeping on the couch. Let me show you to my room." He said grabbing her hand.
"Spencer I'm not taking your bed. I'm the guest, and guests sleep on the couch."
"You're not just my guest, you're my girlfriend. And girlfriends sleep on beds." He said leading her into his room. His bed was a queen sized bed.
It was a nicely sized room with even more books. She laid down on the bed and got comfy in the blankets. He laughed at her and turned off the lights.
"Goodnight Isabelle." He said.
"Goodnight Spencer." She replied. He shut the door and went out to the couch. He laid down and began to get comfy. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. He woke up in a jolt to the sound of screaming. He through off his blankets and ran to his room where Isabelle was shaking. She was awake. He turned on the light and walked over to her.
"I'm sorry." She said still unable to control herself.
"Don't be." He said taking a seat next to her on the bed and putting one hand on her leg and the other on her back.
"Spencer," she said weakly "will you stay with me?" She asked looking up at him with her red tear filled eyes. She was still shaking in terror from whatever she dreamt up.
"Of course." He said making himself more comfortable into bed next to her. She scooted closer to him and laid her head on his chest. She wrapped her arms around him. Her shaking hands slowly stopped as she held on tight to his rib. One of his arms was under her head and the other was pulling her close on her lower back. She fell asleep and he stayed awake for a little bit longer. Just holding her close. Keeping her safe.

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now