Chapter 14

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"We are looking for a white male probably around the ages of 25 to 30. He is a schizophrenic who hears voices and see's things that aren't there. He isn't killing these people on purpose but he is very dangerous. We would like to find him soon. Thank you." Hotch reported to the police.
"Morgan." Prentiss called in the hallway. Morgan turned around to see Prentiss racing towards him. "Garcia found him. Here's his address. Let's go."
"Does the rest of the team know?" He asked.
"Yeah they're on their way." She said as they got into the car. Derek turned on the sirens and they drove to a house where there were police and the rest of the team hiding behind their car doors.
"Randy Burton it's the FBI. You're safe, but you need to come out here with your hands up." Rossi shouted to the house. There was no movement.
"Randy, we know you didn't mean to kill those people. We can talk about this." JJ shouted. A man came to the front door and opened it. He put one of his hands up and brought the other to his waist.
"Gun!!" Morgan shouted. Shots were fired and they all took cover ask quickly as they could from Randy shooting the gun aimlessly.
"Reid!" JJ said hiding behind her door looking at Spencer lying on the ground behind her. Bleeding.

Isabelle ran into the hospital and went to the desk "Spencer Reid, where is he?" She asked frantic. She heard a wheeling behind her and saw 4 doctors rushing someone down the hall. She then saw Morgan, JJ, and Prentiss following right behind them. She felt her eyes start to burn.
"Spencer." She said in a mere whisper starting to race towards the doctors. Her legs were shaking with every step and the doctors shouting rang in her ears like an echo.
"Isabelle!" Morgan said trying to call after her. He ran over to her and restricted her from going through the swinging doors they pushed him through. "Isabelle stop." She struggled for a few seconds and then began to feel weak. She felt a warmth on her face and realized she was crying. She turned around and looked at Morgan with wide eyes. They were red with obvious worry. He pulled her in and she stayed there for a while feeling comforted by his embrace.
"What happened?" She asked pulling away. JJ and Prentiss came over.
"He got shot in the shoulder while we were trying to catch our bad guy." Prentiss said.
"Wasn't he wearing a vest?" Isabelle asked.
"Yes but the vest doesn't cover the shoulders really. It mostly just covers the stomach, chest, and back." JJ said. Isabelle fumbled to a seat.
"Will he be okay?" She asked after a moment of silence.
JJ grabbed her hand, "Reid will be just fine."
Isabelle nodded her head. "Okay well, I'm not going to leave." She said.
Morgan sat down, "Neither will we."
Isabelle fell asleep on Morgan's arm and JJ fell asleep laying on the chairs. Prentiss walked over to Morgan with coffee and he thanked her. A doctor came in and started talking JJ woke up to the sound of his voice.
"He's going to be okay. He's barely awake but if you want to go see him, you can." The doctor said. Morgan woke up Isabelle who was barely awake herself. They all walked into the room that Reid was in. Isabelle sat in a chair closest to him and grabbed his hand. He gave a weak smile, "How are you doing?"
"I should be asking you that." Isabelle said.
"Hey kid, do you need anything?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah, I could eat some jello." He said.
"I'll get that." They all look at the door and see Hotch, Rossi, and Garcia. Garcia had spoken and went to go get some jello.
"How are you doing Reid?" Hotch asked.
"I'm better. Thank you." He said.
JJ gave him a hug and Pretiss squeezed his other hand and both left. Morgan smiled and then left with them. Hotch and Rossi had left right behind JJ.
"I was scared." Isabelle said feeling sick as she replayed the image of him being rolled into the hospital with visible blood soaking through the gauze on his arm. Reid scooted over and pulled her hand to tell her to get on the bed with him. She got up and laid on her side wrapping her arm around him.
"In this job, a lot of things happen. We get hurt a lot. It's risky and hard to have while keeping a relationship, but I want you. I want to be with you. I will try to stay alive for you but I have to protect my team also. This job is dangerous but I love it." He said.
"I know. And the last thing I want to do is take you away from your job, truly. It's so courageous Spence. but I don't think I'll ever get use to you being hurt or on the brink of death occasionally." She said.
"Yeah I know. Not even the team gets use to that. I don't expect you to." He said.
"I was so scared Spencer." She said laying her head down on his chest.
"I know." He said stroking her hair. Penelope came in looking optimistic.
"Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt-"
"It's alright Garcia." Reid said.
"Okay well I have jello!" She said excitedly.
"Thanks Penelope." He said smiling.
"Okay well I'll just leave you two alone and I'll go find JJ or something." She said while lifting her eyebrows and smiling at him before leaving the room. Reid rolled his eyes and moved his arm over as far as he could to rest on Isabelle. He laid his head on hers and they fell asleep.

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now