Chapter 3

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Monday morning Spencer woke up and brushed his teeth. He stared at his hair in the mirror for a moment and decided he was in desperate need of a shower. He looked at the clock and calculated how much time he could use to shower and still get to work in time. He figured about ten minutes not including the time it would take for him to get undressed, the water to warm up, or the time for him to get dressed. He started running the water and put his clothes neatly on a pile on his bed. After using up every minute he could in the shower, he then slipped into tight black pants, a black shirt, a grey plaid sweater vest, a tie, and of course his iconic brown bag. He ran his fingers through his hair to organize the fly aways and then left for work.
Isabelle had a similar morning. Except she didn't do all the math she just took the fastest shower she could and then put on her white slacks and a pink cat covered scrub shirt. She blow dried her hair, hastily applied her mascara and left for work. When she arrived she was booked with two appointments immediately. She was introduced to a dog that wouldn't eat and a cat that broke its paw. She analyzed the broken bones through an x-ray and then treated it with pain medications and put it in a cast. The dog still wouldn't eat wnd its owner hadn't come back to discuss care options yet so she spent as much time with it as she possibly could in between appointments. It looked sickly, almost like it hadn't eaten in weeks. It was dehydrated, some of its hair was missing and it was disgustingly dirty. She gave it a bath and groomed its messy hair. It took the whole day but by the end, she was energetic and prancing around the office like a new dog. She put on its collar and went out into the waiting room. She walked over to the receptionist at the desk and asked politely, "Who's dog is this?"
She shrugged and said, "Some man just dropped it off with $300 and took off. I thought he'd come back but I guess not."
She looked down at the dog feeling a bit concerned and uneasy. It looked at her innocently and playfully with love radiating clearly throughout it.
"Well," she said kneeling to the ground "I'll keep you for another day. If no one claims you then..." She said rubbing his ears, "I guess I'll take you home with me."
She stood up and kept the dog in the back with all the other animals who were in kenels. It was a beautiful black lab who's coat was shining now. She would go visit her anytime she had the spare time.
Spencer got to work and they got a case thrown at them right away. An UnSub in Oregon was killing random people and resorting to cannibalism. They discussed through it as a group and then flew out 20 minutes later. When Spencer got on the plane he texted Isabelle and told her he would most likely be gone tomorrow as well. She finally got around to reading it much later that night texted back around midnight.
"Sorry," she wrote, "I was taking care of a dog that was in really bad condition." To her surprise he texted back almost immediately.
"Is it okay?" He asked.
"Yeah. She'll be okay. What's weird though is that someone dropped her off and never came back for her. But they left money." She texted feeling skeptical as she typed it out.
"That is weird. Perhaps they felt guilty and didn't want it anymore. Or maybe they left it just simply because they were too poor to pay for all of the bills so they just gave you as much as they could give." He wrote back.
"Spencer, you're so smart and beautiful. Never let people tell you any different. It's getting late though, I better go to sleep. You too. You're going to need that magnificent brain of yours to catch that killer and come back here. For our next date I would like to cook something for you at my house." She wrote.
"I would love that. I'll see you when I get back." He replied.

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora