Chapter 16

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"Hey what are you doing back so soon?" Isabelle asked as he walked through the door.
"Isabelle come with me." He said walking over to her and taking her arm.
"Spencer what's wrong?" She asked getting concerned at the worried look on his face as they walked out the door.
"Spencer slow down! I'm in pajama's. Can't I just go get dressed real quick?" She asked as they went down stairs. She pulled away from his grasp and stood on the steps leading to his apartment.
"Spencer. Talk to me." She said crossing her arms. He was on the stair below her. He looked around and then looked at her.
"Isabelle will you please just come with me. I'll explain everything in the car." He said pleading.
"I'm not moving until you tell me what's going on!" She said standing still feeling flustered by the sudden change in his attitude since this morning.
"Isabelle you asked me earlier if I had trusted you. I did. I still do. Now you have to trust me. Do you trust me?" He asked. He looked around once again and then back at her. She put her arms down.
"More then anyone else in this world." She said. He took her hand.
"Then let's go." They rushed to his car and started driving to the BAU.
"Spencer are you going to tell me what this is about?" She said after a few minutes of silence. "You're scaring me."
He looked over at her while they were at a red light.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. It's just..." He said moving his eyes back to the road.
"What is it Spencer?" She asked.
"Jackson escaped." He said.
"What?!" She exclaimed in a panic. "How?! I thought it was very unlikely for people to escape prison! I thought he didn't mean anything when he said it wasn't over!"
"I haven't been told anything Izzy. I was told he escaped and I was told to go get you." He said.
"Spencer I'm going to be sick." She said looking out the window and running her hands through her hair. Sudden images of everything he did started playing in her mind. He glanced over at her with an obvious expression of concern. They got into the elevator's. Her arms were crossed and she was tapping her foot. She looked like she hadn't blinked in a while. He knew when those elevator doors opened she was going to snap. They heard a ding and the doors were open. She walked hastily through the glass doors and into the conference room. Reid chased after her but didn't get to her in enough time before she exploded.
"How in the world does someone escape prison? How did he do it?! How did people allow him to do it?! He must've had help. Jackson's an idiot. He couldn't have escaped by himself. So please tell me you have information about the people who helped him. And please tell me you have more information then just 'he escaped'. If you don't I may just track him down and kill him myself." She said standing near the end of the table. Reid stood in the doorway making a painful face.
"Isabelle how about we talk about this in my office." Hotch said. He walked past her and she followed. She didn't even acknowledge Reid when she walked past.
"I think she's mad at you." Morgan said smiling.
"So you're picking up on that too?" He asked taking a seat. "So fill me in. What is Hotch telling her right now?"
"Well he's probably asking her if she is okay with the plan." Prentiss said.
"What plan?" Reid asked looking at her.
"Well our profile with Jackson still stands. We've decided to come up with a plan around that as long as Isabelle agrees to it. We'll have to use Isabelle as bait." Morgan said.
"What? No. No I won't let that happen." Reid said getting up.
"Reid, it's not up to you." Morgan said. Reid walked down the hall and walked into Hotch's office.
"I'm sorry Hotch I can't let this happen." He walked next to Isabelle and she stood up.
"Spencer, I already agreed to it."

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now