Chapter 6

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Isabelle opened her eyes slightly and a bright light shined through. She closed them and opened them again trying to adjust to the light. She was in a somewhat dark room. Like a basement of some sort. The walls were tan and a small light hung from the ceiling. She looked down and saw that her feet were barely touching the floor. She looked up and saw that her wrists were in chains attached to the ceiling holding her up. She tried to speak but everything she said came out in quiet mumbles. Her head was pounding. Her whole body was sore, especially her wrists which were red and swollen by now. She heard a slamming sound from behind her and a click from the door opening and then shutting. Someone was in the room with her.

Reid and Morgan were searching her room looking for anything that might help while JJ and Prentiss were inspecting the house for entry and how he got out. Hotch and Rossi were talking to her parents, neighbors, and Mason for anything that could help. Morgan searched in her closet and found a box. He found a picture frame of her and her friends. He put it to the side and carefully kept digging. He found a journal that looked worn out. He opened up to the first page and it seemed like a diary but after she stopped writing, a few lines below it was someone else's hand writing. It was someone replying to what she wrote. He turned around and saw Reid looking around at a journal sort of the same.
"Hey Reid." Morgan called. Reid turned to look at him and Morgan held up the journal he had. "I think we should call Hotch and have him talk to the parents again. I think these are therapy journals." Reid flipped out his phone and dialed Hotch.
"Excuse me a second," Hotch said stepping away from Mason sitting behind the counter. "Hello?"
"Hotch, we think that Isabelle went to therapy." Reid said.
"Call Garcia and she can help tell you. We are a few miles away from her parents but I'll have Rossi drive back and talk to them." He replied.
"Okay." He said hanging up and dialing Garcia. "Hey Penelope, we think that Isabelle went to therapy. Probably a while ago, these journals look old."
"Okay what's her last name?" She asked.
"Wave." He replied. "Isabelle Wave. And cross reference any therapists in the area that does writing therapy."
"Okay. Here's what I got. Isabelle went to For Now and Forever therapy for 3 years. She started when she was thirteen and went until she was 16."
"Thanks Garcia." He said hanging up. He looked at Morgan and said "I think we need to make a quick stop at the For Now and Forever place." 
Rossi entered the room where Isabelle's mother and father sat. Her mom's eyes were red and her dad was pacing the room. They both stopped and looked at Rossi when he came in.
"Have you found her?" Her mom asked with tears in her eyes.
"No ma'am." Rossi said sitting down and grabbing her hand. "I need to ask you one more question." Her mom sobbed and her dad sat down.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Why did your daughter go to therapy?" Rossi asked. Her mom twitched and looked up at Rossi with questioning eyes. Her dad coughed and began to speak.
"Well," he said, "She had a hard time getting through school. Not very many friends and she was occasionally bullied. She had turned to cutting to release some of the pain. We got her into therapy as soon possible. She wouldn't speak to her therapist until the last 7 months of therapy. Her and her therapist wrote everything to one another." He stopped talking and Rossi nodded.
"Thank you." Rossi said while leaving the room. He shut the door and started to walk away when he heard the door open.
"Agent Rossi?" It was her mom. Rossi turned around and started to walk towards her. "Agent Rossi, something else happened to my daughter that my husband doesn't know about. Um, I can't tell you myself. I can't physically say it," she started to cry, "but if you go to For Now and Forever, her therapist was Barry. Peter Barry, and he can tell you."

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now