Chapter 14

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Connors POV

We headed towards the luggage carousel to pick up our bags. The first person to find their bag was obviously Carrie, considering she had the must unique suitcase of all time. It took the rest of us forever to find our suitcases and Carrie just stood nearby, texting and smirking.

After the luggage we headed to the car rental place. We rented a large van for the week so we could all fit. We got the van from the place and loaded up our luggage. Then, everyone piled in and we set off towards our hotel.

"Hey Carrie," I started to say,"This is your first Vidcon right?"

"Yep!" she replied perkily.

"What are you most excited for?"

"Well," she started, "Many things really. I'm excited to meet my viewers, I'm excited to meet other youtubers whom I love to watch, I'm excited for my panels and meet ups, but one thing that I have never done and I cannot wait for is... DISNEY DAY!" she shouted.

I laughed. Carrie could be all sentimental and within a split second be the least serious person in a hundred mile radius. I started having flashbacks to when we first met on the plane. She was so excited , but little did she know I was too. Then the painful memory. I remember everything in slow motion. Carrie literally saved my life. She got me out of the way of the car. She could've died. Everyday I'm thankful that she's here, not under a pile of earth.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the van stopped abruptly. We were in front of the hotel. We rushed out and grabbed our things. We went to the front desk and got all of our keys. We hurried into the elevator and sprinted towards our rooms. Carrie, Miranda, and Andrea were sharing a room, and Ricky, Jc, Kian, Trevor, and Sam, who was arriving later, were in a room with me.

At the same time, the girls and the boys opened their doors revealing the most amazing hotel imaginable.



Well hope you liked it!

Question: Best hotel you have ever stayed at?

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