"Sounds like a date then." he muttered cheekily as I nodded my head 'yes' and start walking back home.

"Harry!" I nearly jumped in shock when a fan suddenly popped out of nowhere as I quickly put on my hood and walk the other way while eating and leave them.

I entered the front yard field with autumn leaves and walk passed my Legendary British Vintage Black Vincent Black Shadow big bike prepared by dad that I didn't noticed earlier then continued my way to the door.

I opened it and was about to enter when someone tapped my right shoulder making me turn to whoever it is then spotted the same little boy and girl who bought an ice cream earlier too.

"Hello, I'm Lillian." the little girl introduced herself, she has a curly golden blonde locks tied in a ponytail with bangs, cool cognac brown eyes, fairly tanned skin and small frame wearing a baby pink unicorn onesie and black high top Converse.

"I'm Eddie." the little boy spoke up, he has a dark brown locks pushed up, sea green eyes, fair skin with small frame wearing an orange cat onesie and white Converse.

They both finish eating their ice creams and looking up to me, they look around younger than Ginri but older than Lux.

"Hi, I'm Tori." I said then shook their small formally causing them both to giggle adorably "Are you our new neighbor here?" Lillian asked curiously "I live here when I was a little but move out, just here for a short vacation." I said then they hummed.

"I like your onesies." I said then chuckle making them grin widely "I love unicorns." Lillian said gushingly as I finish eating my ice cream "I love cats." Eddie said with adorable Cheshire cat smile.

"Me too, I love cats and especially unicorns." I said then kneeled down and the little girl suddenly poked my glasses gently causing me to chuckle "Couldn't see properly without glasses." I said then they continued to scan my face and grin.

"Do you mind taking it off for a seconds?" she asked making me hummed and take it off then they both analyzed my face "I told you, she looks like an angel." Lillian whispered to Eddie who agreed causing me to crinkle my nose and smile then put my glasses back on.

"Here." I said then grab one box of ice cream cake and handed it to Lillian "Sharing for my new found friends." I said then they both nodded and giggle adorably.

"Where do you guys live?" I asked the Lillian pointed over the white house by afar while Eddie pointed on the orange house beside it.

"Oh! Are you Mr. and Mrs. Parson's daughter?" I asked Lillian since the last time I remember a man and woman around my parents' age are living there and they have no child before.

"Yes! you know my daddy and mommy?" She asked as I nodded my head 'yes' and decided to handed the other box of ice cream cake to Eddie.

"And you must be Mrs. Worden's son? Am I right?" I asked Eddie as he nodded his head 'yes' while smiling adorably.

"Do you still have Mr. Wobbles?" I asked referring to the Golden Retriever that Mrs. Worden had before causing him to smile even more "You know Mr. Wobbles?! He's back home sleeping!" Eddie cheered gushingly making me shrugged and chuckle.

"Tell your parents I said 'hello'." I said as the nodded with a big smile with their eyes lit up "You better get home now, it's getting cold and there's a bunch of people cuties." I said then they agreed and hugged me causing me to chuckle and hugged them back.

They high five to me making me chuckle and stand up, then they both wave dismissively and walk away.

I check on them by afar till they both headed to their houses peacefully as I smile at them when they both turned to me in unison and wave causing me to wave back then they entered their houses.

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