Renegade's p.o.v: camp half blood (edited)

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A/n:For those that want to know, I drew that.


I had just got back from kicking evil but. Everything hurts. Then again, someone through me through a flipping window.

I wouldn't be surprised if I broke something. I grabbed the pliers and removed the glass from my back.

I looked at the time. Two o' clock. I can risk a little sleep...
----------------( Nico's p.o.v:)----////-----

I stepped out of bed. Ashely was still asleep. A pile of broken glass lay at her feet.

I tried shaking her awake. She responded by throwing a bat shaped ninja star over my shoulder.

" Go away Grayson." She murmured, and turned over.

Wait a second, were did she get a bat a rang? It was the real deal to. I lifted the covers, to see a red and black suit with a matching utility belt.

My eyes widened. Was it possible she was the new vigilant, Renegade?

Before I knew it, I was pinned to the ground with my arm behind my back.

" Oh. It's just you. You know don't you." She says after helping me up. I nodded and she groaned.

" Nico, no one, I repeat, no one can know about this. If this goes viral, I WILL FIND YOU."

" Ok." I replied, slightly scared of how low her vocals dropped in two seconds.

Ashely walks away with some clothes.

Normal p.o.v:

I feel sort of guilty for threatening Nico. But it did seem necessary. I came here to forget about... recent events. Whatever I do just seems to make things worst.

I get dressed. I decided I am only going to stay for the weekend.

I hung out with other campers and did my best to get info on current prophesies the past six years. Turns out I missed out on all the fun.

( a/n: for all of you that are lost, she discovered the camp a year before Percy Jackson did. So this is currently taking place after Kronos tried to take over the world. And The second series. I suggest reading the Percy Jackson series before reading the next few characters/ pages)

I trained with the Athena kids. I would train with the Ares kids, but after yesterday, I thought better of it.

I'm rusty. Nothing training with Athena's kids won't fix. I patiently waited for my opponent to make his move.

They charged, I dogged and blocked. I slashed at them, using my reach to my advantage. 

This has been going on for ten minutes. I'm barely working up a proper sweat. I disarmed them and walked away.

Nico walks up to me. " How ..." he begins to ask.

" I'm an assassin, remember."

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