Renegade's p.o.v: betrayal (edited)

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Song: gasoline -------------------------

I decided I was going to pretend to join him, then turn on him. Might be risky. I've got my sword, pocket knife, and a gun I " borrowed " from Jason.

If you didn't guess, he's not getting it back. I arrived at the place he told me to meet him.

He was already there, sharpening his knife.

" Look who decided to show up." He said with a smirk.

I swear, it's like wants me to kill him. I managed to restrain myself.

I rolled my eyes." Nice to see you to Dad." I need to find out the plan, then kill him.

" So what's the plan?" I ask casually.

He chuckled." Feisty. Must've gotten that from your Mother."

I clenched my fists. " I'm nothing like that b*tch!" I yelled angrily.

He slapped me. " Respect your elders Ashley."

That's it. My patience was snapped until it equaled nothing. I took my sword out, and charged at him.

( starts to get bloody ).................--------

Before he knew what hit him, my sword was in his shoulder. Any normal person would've screamed, but he just chuckled.

I pulled it out and stepped back a bit before charging again. He blocks it with  a katana.

He swings at me and I side step it.

" I see crazy runs in the family."

I block the blow and kick him across the face.

I pull out the gun.
" Take one more step and I shoot!" I yelled.

He froze. " You wouldn't kill your own Father, would you." He says like it's a fact.

" Why shouldn't I? I don't even know anything about you." I say, and load my gun.

" If this is about me leaving you, we can restart." Ghost King says with a smirk. I respond by shooting his left leg.

He screamed. " It's to late for that. You should've thought of that before." I snarled.

The ground shakes. Cracks start lining the ground. When I lose control over my emotions, I have a tendency to raise the dead. As if on cue, undead people started to pull them self out of the cracks.

I charged at him.

I stuck my sword through his stomach. He collapsed. What have I done?

I need a break. I think I need a break. It's time to visit some old friends from Camp Half Blood.
(Time skip brought by travel to the camp)

I stood in front of the camp front gate.
I haven't been here in about five years.

( flashback to five years ago)------------
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

I heard the growl of the hydra behind me.

I ran through a gate like structure.

I kept running until I realized I was no longer being followed. It was banging on clear sphere, causing ripples.

After I caught my breath, I charged back out their, and stuck my sword through its chest.

I walk back into the force field's range.

I'm almost instantly surrounded by kids of all ages. All wearing shirts that said Camp Half Blood.

A centaur walked towards me."Welcome to Camp Half Blood."
-----------------(end of flashback)------

I took off my mask. I walked through the door.

As I walked through camp, I got stares from all of the campers that knew me.

Clarisse walked towards me.
" Look who finally decided to show up."
She said with a smirk.

I smirked back. " At least I know how to travel in style."

That earned a set of " Ohhhhhh!" from the gathering crowd.

Nico's p.o.v:

Ran towards the sound of screams.

I arrived to see an all out battle between Clarisse and some other girl I don't know.

I decided only to intervene if needed. The crowd was full of people choosing sides. Within minutes, the mysterious girl had won.

She helped Clarisse up with a smirk.
" Told you I travel in style." She said and walked away.

" Who was that? " I asked Will.

" That's Ashley. We all thought she was dead."
------------------( time skip)---------------

Chiron introduced me to her.
" This is Nico. He's a child of Hades."

She smirked. " Hello uncle, I'm Ashley."

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