Renegade's p.o.v: meet Artemis (edited)

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That was close. To close. If I hadn't had that smoke bomb,(homemade)I would be dead meat before he figured out we are siblings. I plan to leave clues so he slowly finds his way to who I am. I like to keep my " audience " interested.

 I heard a commotion above  me. Sounded like arrows flying. I flipped from garbage can and onto the roof silently. I pulled myself up onto the roof. A blonde archer wearing a green suit was out numbered one to ten. 

I drew my sword. I ran up, and kicked one across the face. In no time me and blondie were fighting back to back.

" Who are you?" She asked, loading her bow. " All you need to know is I'm on your side." I yell back, blocking a blow to her left shoulder.

( time skip brought by fight cause I'm lazy)----------------------------------------

"I'm Renegade by the way," I say, putting on my sunglasses. "And you are?"

" I'm Artemis." She exclaimed. 


Sorry it's short.

I don't know what to do- ideas please!

~ twelvethirty 

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