9. Should I tell somebody?

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The school year is finally over it's now summer and I don't have much plan. Band camp doesn't start until 2 weeks after we get out of school. I'm trying to enjoy the freedom I have these two weeks cause once band camp starts dance practice starts too.

Every year the youth program at my church have a big concert where they invite other ministries to come and minister a dance, song, or whatever that's appropriate for church. We have at least 3 concerts per year but the one in the summer is the biggest one. The purpose of these concerts is to raise money for our youth program.

Usually every year I'll wake up early and go to band camp and right after when i get picked up I have to go directly to church for practice. Practice usually starts 2 hours before band camp ends so most of the time i don't get home till 9 or 10 o'clock at night. The good thing about it all is I still get the right amount of sleep since I don't have to stay up late for homework, or to study. I love practicing my music and practicing dance so I really don't get bored and lazy doing that most of the time.

Today I have no plans everybody is home including my mother, it's a shocker that she's off but she'll be asleep for most of the day I bet.

My phone started ringing, I looked at the screen to see who was calling and it was a restricted call again. I been getting these calls almost every morning since the last week of school. My mistake was answering the phone without looking at the caller i.d. The first time they called. It was some guy I didn't recognize who voice but they been threatening me about being raped and shit. That call had ruined my day and everybody noticed how I was more quiet then usual. That call honestly had me shook throughout the day. I  wasn't going to tell anybody what was wrong but Paul noticed it and came up to me and I lied and told him I was going to tell him later that day but I never did. The day after that he asked me again and I knew he wasn't going to drop the subject he wanted to know he didn't believe me when I said I was ok. Since he was the only one that believed there was honestly something wrong with me I told him about it later that day.

In Paul's eyes he said this was some serious shit and I need to tell somebody. I believed it was serious but I really don't think telling someone would help it would just make things worse. Telling someone would involve the police and a case and that's way more then I can handle right now. I told him that I was good I'm not going to say shit to anybody but I still thought about it.

The more I thought about it the pros of telling someone out weighed the cons. I got up and walked to Jhanae's room she was knocked out on her bed so I sat on the bed and hit her not to hard just so she can wake up. She groaned and turned in the opposite direction.

"Jay I need to talk to you wake up" I said shaking her

"Fine what"

"So Paul told me I have to tell someone about this shit"

"Are you going to listen to his advice though?"

"I wasn't but to tell the truth before shit actually gets worst I should"

"So you going to tell Mom"

"Maybe I mean that's the only person I can tell"

"You know there's a lot more to this then just telling she probably might add the police"

"I know but the direction these threats are going I'm not sure I'm even safe anymore wanna come with me so I can tell her"

"Sure come on"

We walk down the hall to my mother's room I knocked on the door and walked in with Jhanae behind me. She's was awake and Jhanae was first to speak as she walked to our mom's bed and sat down. I walked to the rolling chair that was at the desk and moved it closer to the bed so I can sit.

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