7. The Kiss

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It's been a few days since I had that talk with the girls at the mall. Ever since then my mind been on Paul and nothing but Paul, I been trying to answer my own question do I really like him? So far I haven't come up with many answers I mean he's a cool person and so forth but the main thing that gets in the way is that he's a hoe. I haven't heard much about him but I mean you can clearly see it he's friendly. When you walk through the halls and he's around all you hear is females constantly saying hi to him, and hugging him. I know that's a normal thing but it's just the number of females that do it it's a lot.

Jhanae came in the kitchen to have a talk with me about this, and to my surprise she put all her jokes aside and was serious.

"So you been quiet for quite for some time now what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing really I just been thinking about what y'all said at the mall the other day"

"Oh so you're trying to think if you like him or not?"


"Well like I said when y'all first became friends you never know where this friendship will take you because y'all act alike in so many ways y'all would be the best of friends look at y'all now"

"Ok but what does that have to do with what I'm trying to figure out?"

"It has everything to do with it y'all can end up being more than best friends"

"Ugh I don't want to hear this"

"Sha you don't know how he feels you know you would like to be more than that"

"No Jhanae I do know how he feels and it ain't like that and now that I think about it I don't think I like him like that either"

"Is it because he's a hoe"

"Yea and to have a crush on someone in my case would be me having to actually face my fears"

"I told you he can help you with your shyness"

"Yea I know he already started"

"Really? Tell me the T?" She said excitedly

"That's between me and him girl"

"Wait you opened up to him? Like you told him about what you went through in the past with Ray?"


"Omg Shanice you never speak of it and to tell someone you just met a few months ago that's a big step how did he ask"

"It was a getting to know each other convo concerning sex, he asked if I was a Virgin and I said yes and no and I explained what I meant"

"He trying to get some?"

"No nigga"

"You never know he probably wants to show you how good actual sex feels like compared to forced sex" she said while smiling

"No and even if he did I wouldn't want that well not at least now" I said basically lying to her. What she said was right that's exactly what he wanted to do but what I said was the truth I wouldn't want that well not now at least. Some things just have to stay between you and that person no one else.

"Ok Shanice you going to let him be your first kiss?"

"I never told him about that"

"Why not?"

"Cause it never crossed my mind"

"Oh ok so did the band start practicing for class of 2013 graduation?"

"No that starts next week"

"This year went by fast ain't it?"

"Yea it did"

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