21. School

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Two months later....

School is soo fucking boring, my teachers are hell. My first class is anatomy and physiology. What the fuck do I need the class for if I'm not in magnet? I need to go see my guidance counselor again. They got me taking physics, for what? I finished all my science credits. The first time I went to my guidance counselor, she was bitching so I left, thinking that I'll be able to handle these classes. My grades ain't looking too good, and I got in trouble by my band director when I had to show him my progress report.

I even got in trouble by Paul because of my grades. This girl in percussion wanted to talk to him and let him know what was going on with the section and everybody else that was around passed the phone and all talked to him individually when I got home, he was still on the phone.

We talked for a little, and that made me realize how much I really miss him. We talk everyday all day long, I find it funny cause he's in band and in college but we still have time to text all day long.

Paul confessed to me the other day that he talks to me more than anybody even more than his family. I wasn't surprised, I felt special.

We were on the phone and he was asking me about band and my uniform manager position.

"Um I'm kind of on probation at the moment" I admitted.

"What do you mean?"

"My progress report was bad so Mr. B told me to fix it before report cards come out, if not, I'm going to pay a big price considering I'm an officer and all"

"Dang Shanice how bad are they?"

"I rather not say"

"Shanice" he warned. "Tell me"

"An A, B, C, D and..." I decided to mumble the last part "the rest are F's"

"What? Shanice come on you're better than this its your last year" he sounded shock and slightly disappointed.

"I know it's just my classes and teachers."

"It's too early to have senioritis. You better fix your grades ASAP. If not, I'm not going to come see you when I come down in November."

"Really Paul?"

"Yes, so get them grades up"

"I will" I remembered earlier he told me to notify him when it's 7:30 and I looked at the time and it was a little pass it.

"Paul it's 7:30"

"It is, alright I'm going to study now, remember what I said Bestfriend."

"I got you"

"Alright I'll talk to you later" we hung up the phone.

Jhanae came around the corner. "Hey was that you and Paul on the phone?"

"Yes m'am"

"Oh so yall talking on the phone now that's cute. Did he tell you about him and Tia going out?"

"No, he knows that I know from that message I sent him a while ago, and we had to talk about her the other day" I admitted.

"Really what happened?"


I was in first period finishing up this assignment when this girl sitting in front of me turned around. Her name is Gina, she's in band so we know each other.

"Hey girl guess what I was told the other day"

"What" I asked.

"So I had text Paul the other day you know to see wassup, how's everything going at FAMU and stuff."

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