17. Party

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The bell just rung for the end of the day, some kids walked towards the bus loop, some went to meet up with their friends, some just went straight home, while others found some place to chill until they felt like going home. I went into the band room to see if we still had practice and sure enough it was cancelled, but like every band kid I know stayed on campus to either practice their instrument or to just chill. I played Clarinet in band and since this is my first year I really didn't know a lot of people, I only talked to the people in my clarinet section. As for my sister she was graduating class of 2011 which was last year, and she was in band, she played the tenor drum in percussion so a lot of people know me as her little sister. I felt someone tap me on my shoulder so I turned around and seen Jhanae

"Hey, practice got cancelled?"

"Yes but you know how percussion is they're having sectionals by the new building" I replied.

"Ok cool, come with me to them"

"No. Jhanae you know I don't like percussion"

"Seriously Shanice, they haven't done nothing to you, it's the end of your freshman year and you still sitting in your comfort zone girl you going to learn how to like them today"

"Jhanae it's a section mostly full of boys they are all hoes, they give off an unfriendly vibe, and they think they the shit, you got me fucked up if you think I'm going associate myself around them people"

"Shanice you know I'm not going to take that as an answer, you are going to associate yourself with those people, plus when they know for sure that you're my little sister they going to treat you like family. Your friends already left to go home so you rather sit here by yourself or watch percussion"

"Fine, let's go" we walked to the new building where percussion was and when they saw my sister coming most of them put their drums down and went to greet her. I walked to the closest picnic table and took a seat on the table.

"So what you guys working on?" Jhanae asked them.

"We working on some cadences, it's good that you here you can help the tenor line" The section leader replied.

"That's fine, but this is my lil sister Shanice for those of you who didn't know"

"OH. Don't you play clarinet?" A boy asked.

"Yes she's really shy so be nice to her" Jhanae said putting emphasis on being nice to me.

"Oh your little sister too thick though" A boy on snare said.

"You know I can hear you right, but thank you." I replied

"And she's taken so don't even try it" Jhanae said

"Damn" The boy on snare replied.

They played all different cadences and fixed some of the problems; I sat there and watched silently bopping my head to most of the cadences. After an hour and a half they were finally done, and I was ready to go home. I hoped in Jhanae's car while she hoped in the driver seat.

"Have any homework?" Jhanae asked.

"No, why?"

"Want to go out?"

"To this party"

"Is it a high school or college party?"



"Come on let's go you and Ray going to break up sooner or later and you really don't have much fun like that plus I know how you get at parties you're not the same shy girl you wild out"

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