28. Right vs Wrong

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"Shanice you're a lowkey freak" Alex was looking through the screenshots on my phone. We were sitting at the store waiting on our food, I came here to buy food, and Alex tagged along since it's not safe to walk by yourself in this neighborhood around the school.

"Why is Paul all the way on the bottom of your messages" she asked.

"Oh cause we don't talk as much after that smoking thing, what are you doing?"

"I'm sending this screenshot to my phone and seen this so I had to ask. This smoking thing had to be serious"

"It was, but it's my fault that we're not talking as much"

She nodded. "I really want to talk to you but the way you've been acting lately scares me" Alex admitted.

"How is that" I asked confused

"It's like every time I mention Tia or Deandra, you tense up, and you constantly remind me how all this is wrong. I don't want you to feel bad, or think you're a bad friend by not telling him everything I tell you."

I took a deep breath. "I'm conflicted honestly. You tell me these things cause you trust me, and want my advice, but it gets to a point where it's too much. The fact that Tia was told that she need to get it together cause what she's doing behind Paul back is wrong but she continues doing it. Then you're telling me about her and Deandra breaking up, and how she can't really move on with you cause she loves Deandra. I'm trying to be a good friend to you, but I feel so bad cause he needs to know what's going on"

"Shanice please don't tell him anything." Alex begged.

I sighed. "I really want to show you the pictures and conversation we had today, but I won't show you if you're planning on telling him. Shanice please" she continued pleading with me.

"Fine. I won't tell" she smiled before showing me the pictures they took. Alex has an iPhone 6 so the pictures on her phone are so perfect. I can't lie Tia is a really pretty female, and the pictures they took together were really cute."

"Y'all cute. She's really pretty though."

Alex looked at me. "You're so nice, after all that she made you go through, you're still complimenting her"

"I mean it's the truth though, her attitude is ugly, but like you said she's Jamaican and that's how she was raised. I don't have issues with her, literally."

Our food was ready and we walked back to school, I went into the auditorium after eating, Alex went home shortly after getting back to school.

"Hey Sha what's wrong?" Jamal came up to me

"I'm in a tight situation with Alex and the shit that she tells me, it's getting out of control."

"To be honest, Alex is not your Bestfriend, no offense you just met Alex the beginning of the year, you don't owe her as much loyalty as you do for Paul.

If this was vice versa you know Paul wouldn't hesitate to tell you what your nigga is doing behind your back."

I nodded knowing he was right.

"Alex can be mad and drop you, but is she really worth loosing Paul or going through another argument with him? Like I said Paul is your best friend, you should do what's right."

"I understand that but at the same time it's really not my business, I don't talk to Tia, I don't fuck with her, so what business do I have telling him her business."

"You act like he's going to think you're lying, you're his best friend. If we tell him some shit like that we're going to need proof, if you tell him some shit like that he'll take your word for it" Jhanae said coming out of no where.

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