30. Close to an end

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I can't believe senior year is coming to an end prom is slowly approaching and I found the perfect prom dress.

The good thing about prom is it's the day after we get kicked out of school so that gives me more time to get ready.

Graduation is a week after prom so that's even more exciting. This year has been very stressful, and hard, dealing with procrastination, and the drama. The fact that I was able to overcome all the obstacles is amazing.

Paul is back for the summer now, so he'll be here for a couple months before going back to tally. I'm so happy I love the company of my Bestfriend, and I've learn to not care about what other people think, he's my Bestfriend, and that's all they need to know. The way we act, and the shit that we do shouldn't really matter. I feel like I was wrong for letting people come in between how I act with him in public, but because I didn't make it so noticeable it wasn't a big issue.

We've been having band practice non stop because of our spring concert. It's also the seniors last week of school before exams, so we have to be on the lookout for senior pranks. I don't get involved in those senior activities, because I want to walk across stage with my diploma.

There's a possibility that our spring concert can be postponed depending on the principle, and if he shuts down or puts the school on lock down. Spring concert is in the evening at the end of this week and it's my last one so I hope it turns out to be live.

"Jhanae" I called for her as I walked into the house after a long day of school and practice.

"Why you came home so late?"

"When practice is over Alex has sectionals, so I wait on her, take her home, and we talk about everything until I'm ready to go."

"Oh wow, anything new?"

"No other than she telling me about things that Tia tells her, and the stuff that goes on between them"

"So what's new?" Jhanae asked again.

"It's disturbing as fuck" I replied remembering what Alex told me.


"Well the other day we had a virtuoso performance at a middle school, and I was walking around school running errands before we leave. Alex found me, and I got on her for not being in class and she was explaining to me some shit.

Basically Tia is fucking around with Deandra behind Alex's back"

"Oh my gosh, isn't this all behind Paul's back? Why are they still together." Jhanae asked

"Every time yall motherfuckers ask that question I tell yall. They love each other it's not easy to drop somebody when yall feelings that deep. There's a certain amount of hurt you're going to take before you actually realize 'oh shit I can't do this anymore." I stopped talking trying to believe the shit that just came out of my mouth.

"Look who's talking. As petty as I know you are, I'm surprised you haven't acted out throughout this whole situation." Jhanae replied shocked

"For what? To cause more problems. Paul is petty too remember that, and I'm not confessing my feelings so there isn't a reason for me to be petty. Keeping that shit on the low is perfect, the only thing he knows is that I like him, and that was cause he asked me a couple months back. Never talked about it since.

Plus I've accepted the fact that he's with petty, I don't like that he's with her, I'm starting not to like her at all. But all in all its whatever, she's pretty as hell" I shrugged.

"She's pretty as hell?" Jhanae busted out laughing repeating me. "Girl, what's wrong with you?" She asked.

"What?" I shrugged. At least I was being honest.

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