I sighed and I said,"Oh brother, Reji is right you are a deadbeat, honestly, you're even worse than my old man." I said as I walked away from him with annoyed look on my face. We were in the middle of class, we had to practise with our swords with our sparing partners. I was stuck with Hanako and she grinned at me and said,"You know that I think about it, I have heard of your name from one of the other vampire hunters they say you're one of the number one female fighters when it comes to being a swordsman."

 "Yes it's true, why do you ask?" I said as I had my hand on my sword's hilt. She said,"I had hoped I'd get opportunity to fight someone as strong as you." The teacher came over and said,"Alright ladies, cut the tension down a little, remember this will be a fair fight."

I placed my hand on my sword's hilt and the other hand on it's sheathe. I said,"Just to let you know, this fight will over quick and easy." Hanako smirked and said,"Is that so? let's put that theory to the test shall we?" Hanako said as she unsheathed her sword.

She stood at a fighting stance and she was about to charge at me but I dashed at her and I unsheathed my sword. I stood at a fighting stance and then Hanako looked at me shocked and then she felt her cheek and realised that made a hit on her.


After she drew her sword I thought to myself,"Whoa! She's fast! I guess the rumours about her are true, hmpf! She's nothing special time to show that bimbo who's the real strongest fighter around here."

I smiled at her and I then I charged at her and I swung my blade at her countless times to strike her.


Hanako kept swinging her sword at me like a mad woman as I dodged her attacks from left and right. I used my sword to block her blade and I then spun around and I scraped her thigh. Hanako fell to her knees and she looked at her wound and then she looked at me with madness in her eyes and said,"Hehe! This amazing! The rumours are true you really are skilled! But I won't lose!"

She charged at me and I grabbed her wrist and I pulled it upwards and I kicked her in the back sending Hanako flying to the wall. Hanako slid down the wall and then she was on her hands and knees panting for breath. Suddenly the teacher said,"That's enough! Hanako, that's enough fighting for you go to the infirmary and get those injuries fixed up."

"Yes sir." Hanako got up and then she glared at me. Before Hanako left she said,"Our little fight is only the beginning you and I are rivals Kura!" Hanako left and I said to the class rep,"What the heck is wrong with her? Is she a psycho?"

"Sorry I forgot to tell you, Since Hanako became a vampire hunter she started to enjoy bringing pain to others her father was worried about this so she was sent here to get rid of that enjoyment for inflicting pain to other people but..." I knew what the reaction means. I said,"I know that reaction, she's been fine until now?"

"Something like that but she still tends to get carried away when it comes to the combat classes." Sakamoto says as he sweat drops. I then said,"I see, no wonder she was so fixated on fighting me."

"Is it any wonder?" Sakura said as she came over. She said,"Some of our parents and the other hunters have heard some rumours about you I heard you're pretty fast and the other hunters also said that you can be ruthless it seems that part is true the way you were fighting off Hanako like that."

"It's not my fault that I'm ruthless it's just how I was brought up in the past I guess you could say I tend to take my anger out on the targeted vampires because of my childhood." I said casually. Sakura said,"Really? Was it that bad?"

"Losing your mother to a disease and your own father ignoring you? Yes it was pretty rough for me but not anymore, I'm living the life as a vampire hunter so things are now peaceful for me, well, except for going after some targeted vampires." I said casually again. Sakamoto says,"Wow, that must have been rough for you, I can't believe your own father would do something that cruel to you."

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