I nodded my head and said,"Yep, bottom line, the only time when I do kill a vampire it's if and when they deserve punishment even if the job request is from your father we have to obey him whether we like it or not."

"I understand, you really an interesting woman." He mumbled. I looked at him and said,"Pardon?"

"Nothing, you be excused." He said. I said,"Thanks Reji, and by the way." I said as turned to him again. Reji looked at me and said,"Hm?" I said,"You maybe strict but you seem all right I like it when a guy treats a woman with respect." I said with a smile. His cheeks turned red and I left.


After that woman left I thought to myself,"Well, that's a first, I never expected to get a compliment from a woman like Kura before."

I thought to myself as I pushed my glasses upwards and I smiled to myself.


Once I got into my bedroom I went to my desk drawers and I got my sketchbook and my pencils and I headed outside. Once I was out side I sat down on a bench and I started to sketch a couple of roses from the rose bush (A/N the drawing above isn't mine, in the story that's what the character is drawing.) While I was colouring in the roses I heard someone say,"Wow, that's really good,  didn't know you could draw like that."

I looked up and Yui was standing there smiling. I said,"Thanks Yui, I've been drawing like this since I was little."

I said as I continued to colour in the roses. Yui then said,"Really? Did someone teach you?"

"I guess you could say that, my mother taught me she was the artistic one in the family everyone loved her paintings when I was five I've always wanted to become an artist so I guess you could say I kinda followed her in her footsteps." Yu was surprised at this and said,"Really? she must be really good."

I looked down sadly and said,"Well she WAS once." Yui realised what I meant and she said,"Oh, sorry, I didn't know." I looked back at her and said,"It's OK, I didn't expect a lot of people to know." Yui was a bit confused that I was a vampire hunter and she said,"I don't get it, if you wanted to become an artist then why did you become a vampire hunter?"

"It's a long story, I don't want to talk about it." I said as I looked back my drawing and she said,"Why?" I glared at her said,"I said I don't want to it's complicated." Yui saw the anger in my eyes and said,"Oh, OK."

I sighed and said,"Sorry, to sound harsh there, lets just say I didn't had a really good childhood, my mother died from a disease and my father is a deadbeat like Shu except he doesn't sleep all day he just ignores me." Yui was shocked at this and says,"That's awful."

"I know, I prefer not to talk about my past too much, it just irritates me whenever I think about that good for nothing father of mine." I said as I looked away with a hint of anger in my eyes. Yui then said,"I see, but call me crazy but I get the feeling I've seen you somewhere before."

I was afraid that she might know who I really am but I came with some thing and said,"Maybe that's because you may or may not have seen my mother's photograph some people used to say that I looked a lot like her, in fact they used to think we were twins at point which was scary thought."

"Hehehe." Yui giggled and I said,"Finally you're smiling." Yui looked at me with a smile and said,"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, it's funny thinking about your reaction." I said,"Hehe, yeah I know right." I said with a smile.

Yui then said,"Kura, did you say that just to cheer me up?" I looked at the flowers and I thought of the fond memory and said,"Well something like that, my mother used to say that I'm a kind, understanding and a good judge of character at times and when she fell ill I did everything I could to make her smile and make her last moments happy and peaceful as possible."

Yui could tell how much I missed my mother and said"You must have really loved her a lot." I looked at Yui again and said,"Believe me, I did, in some ways my mother was like an idol to me."

"I see, I'm jealous, I don't know who my mother was and as for my father he's gone to work overseas and now I'm stuck here." She said. I looked at her and said,"So that's how you ended up here." I said as I closed my sketchbook and I put my pencils away and I said,"Tell me something, what do you think about the Sakamaki brothers?"

"What do you mean?" She asked me. I said,"I mean, after you came here do still want to be friends with them even though they try and suck your blood? If I were you I would just give them a smack." Yui grimaced at that idea and she said,"Well, I wouldn't exactly say we're friends but, they're sometimes there for me even if it means having my blood sucked."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head and said,"(Sighs) You really are naive." I said as I flicked her forehead. Yui rubbed her forehead and I said,"You may think those brothers are there for you but in my opinion they're just being nice to you just have your blood, take some advice from a hunter, never let your guard around those brothers they're nothing but blood sucking parasites." I said as I walked away from Yui.


After Kura walked away from me I thought to myself,"She thinks they're blood sucking parasites? That's a bit harsh, but she is a hunter I can see why she thinks bad about them."


I watched those two as they talked from the window. I watch Kura and I couldn't help but noticed how pretty she looks. I walked back to my coffin and I fell back asleep.


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