The League of Nations Will Pay

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Finn Pov:

10:23 pm

We saw on the screen the League of Jobbers walking out. We then approached the curtians and Mercades gave me a kiss on the Cheek while Aj smirked. We walked out and the crowed went from boo's to the loudest thing I've heard.

 We walked out and the crowed went from boo's to the loudest thing I've heard

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(^^Close Enough Right^^)

Then we walked into the ring and the League of Nations keeps looking at us smirking. It was me and Aj vs Sheamas and Rusev and Aj and Rusev started the match.

*10 Minutes in*

Rusev attacked Styles while Styles kept hitting Rusev at the side of his ribs. Rusev let go of Styles due to the pain and he immediately attacked Rusev and got him on his stomach. He then went after his leg using his Calf Crusher Hold and we heard Rusev screaming before Sheamas kicked Styles in the back oh his head. I then ran towards Shemas with a kick to the chest knocking him to the turnbuckle. I then ranned and picked up speed so I can hit Sheamas but after that I saw Del Rio and Barrett going after Mercades. When they were about to touch her I suicide dived them and I saw Styles hitting Rusev with the Styles Clash and I grabbed Sheamas's leg so we wouldn't bother the pin. 1...2...3!!! We won the match but after that me and Styles were attacked by the League of Nations.

Rusev and Barrett hold me up and Sheamus hit the Brough Kick on me and I felled down on my back unconscious. Then Rusev stepped on my back and put me in the achalade. I was screaming in pain till Mercades rushed in and went towards me while the 4 of those bastards backed off. "Finn are you ok" she said "Ya-" then all of a sudden I was kicked again by Del Rio and He looked at me with discuss. He then took the mic and said "Sasha why are you a beutiful women doing with a buch of rejects like these two especially the so called Royal Rumble winner". Aj got up and was Bullhammered by Barrett was knocked out again. "I tried to get up but then Shemas and Rusev grabbed me and pointed me towards Mercades and all I saw was tears down her face in fear for my safety. Del Rio side kicked me but I was still in the position earlier. "Tell me Sasha, explain why aren't your with a man like me" Del Rio said again. She slapped him across the face and then Aj low blowed Sheamus and Rusev making me able to attack Del Rio. We threw Del Rio and Sheamus but then Styles hit the Styles Clash on Barrett while I pulled off a Coup de Grace on Rusev. We stood up in the with pride while Raw went off the air.

11:25 pm

We walked back to our room and Mercades was having a discuss look on her face. "I can't believe Del Rio did that to you and me earlier" she said while me and Aj nodded. "Don't worry I'll get him for this", she smiled and gave me a kiss. "Well we better get to our hotel" Styles said, "Ya your right".

11:48 pm

We droved up to the hotel and checked in, then we walked ini an elevator. "Well I'm sure that we all need a goodnight sleep" "Yes we do" Mercades said while laying her head on my cheast while we waited to get up there. I can not stop loving her she is the resion I get up evrey morning. When we reached the floor I carried her to our room and laid her down on the couch. I needed to go to Aj real quick before going asleep, "I'll be right back love" "Ok becareful" she said back. I walked in Aj's room and all he was doing was going through emails. "Oh hey Finn what do you need" he said, "I'm worried about Mercades" "How" he said back. "With Del Rio and the other League of Jackasses" "She'll be alright with us and we know she is a strong woman like us only were men" Aj said back. "Alright" "Now we better get some sleep for tomorrow" Aj said while yawning. I nodded and closed his door then walked back in mine and saw Mercades passed out. "You ok love" "Yeah just tiered" she said in a soft voice. I tooked my shirt off and got in bed, "Goodnight my love" she said to me "Goodnight beautiful" I said back.

10:26 am

I woked up and heard a loud thump next door where Aj is. I got up and Mercedes was still asleep so I didn't want to bother her right now. I opened his door and saw Rusev and Barrett pounding on him. I attacked Barrett while Aj gain back strength and attacked Rusev. But then all of a sudden Sheamus and Del Rio Attacked us and we were laying on the floor while they all just laughed. "So much for the Phenomenal one" said Barrett, "Now Finn where are you and Sasha at" Rusev said while Sheamus and Barrett hold me up. "Tell us pearo" Del Rio said while I was silent till I saw Mercades at the door and then the 4 of those bastards just laughed. "Well Sasha look at your boys now" Sheamus said, "Leave us alo-" she said before Del Rio grabbed her arm. "Let me go Alberto" she said angrily, "Oh no senorita do you see your wasting your time with these foo-" Del Rio said before Aj jumled off the bed onto Barrett, Sheamus, and Rusev while I speared Del Rio. We then trewed them out to the elevator and we just nodded and I called the people out front to tell theme to ban those 4 from the Hotel then the three of us went back to sleep.

2:30 pm

Me and Mercedes woked up from Aj knocking on the door, I got and opened it for him and he had a huge smile on his face. "Whats with the grin" "Oh I talked to Doc and Karl and there heading to Stampford to sign some contracts and then meeting us here in Orlando later this week" he said while me and Mercedes just smiled from the relief. "Now we have back up to face the League of Jobbers" "Damn right" he said in excitment. "Well let's get ready to head to the Smackdown tapings tonight" Mercades said while I put my stuff in my bag and she went to change in the bathroom.

6:30 pm

We got up to the arena and kept an eye out for those 4 bastards in order to keep Mercades safe. "Finn" she said while we looked back, "What love" "Please be careful and make sure no one touches me" she said while I hold her in my arms. "Don't worry in my sight you'll be ok" she smiled and we went into our room.

Well whats going to happen during the smackdown taping, will Aj, Mercades, and Finn get Revenge or will they'll be attacked once again.

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