I'm Sorry

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*Quinn's POV*

"Please be ok.."I heard Luke cry.I felt someone's hands rest on my cheeks,and tears hit my forehead.I flinched slightly,and I heard everyone gasp.

I groaned and opened my eyes."Baby.."Luke cried.He pecked my lips and kissed my cheeks nonstop.Calum sat me up slowly and hugged me tightly.

"We were all worried sick!What happened?!"Calum shouted as he pulled away from me."I-I saw Arzalea...Sh-She was o-on the beach.I-I saw her,but you didn't..She said that she was sorry,and she wanted me to forgive her.But then I blacked out.."I explained.

"Ok love.."They all mumbled in disbelief.I growled in frustration."I saw her!And nothing will--"I stopped as I saw her standing behind the boys.My body started shaking,but tears filled up in her eyes.

She started crying,and something told me to be nice to her now.I stood up and gently pushed passed Michael and Ashton.I hugged her,and I felt her arms wrap around me tightly.

"I-I'm sorry.."She whimpered."It's ok.."I mumbled.I pulled away from her,and the boys looked at me like I was crazy.Steaming hot tears filled up in my eyes,and I started to cry nonstop.

"Go ahead,call me crazy!I know that Im not!"I cried.I stormed off with Zeus and Rosa by my side,but Arzalea stopped me."Can I borrow your shades real quick?"She asked.

"Why?"I asked."You'll see."I took off my shades and gave them to her."Nice eyes by the way."She said while smiling.I looked down but smiled."Thanks.."I mumbled.

She held up my shades in the air,and the boys gasped.Michael passed out,so I rushed over to him."Michael.."I said as I shook his body.

Rosa came over and licked his cheek,and I was shocked because she's never done that before!Michael groaned and looked up at me."D-Did Arzalea lift up your shades?"He asked.I nodded.

He let out a long breath and sat up.I stood back up,and I looked back at Arzalea."Can you tell Luke I said I'm sorry?"She asked as tears came down her cheeks.

I sighed and nodded."Luke,Arzalea said that she's sorry about what she's done."I said.He started turning pale,and he gulped loudly."I-Uh,it's ok..But why did you do it?"He asked.

I looked back at Arzalea,and she looked down."I-I was jealous of Quinn,and I felt like I wasn't good enough.So I bullied her to make myself feel better...I was jealous of her talent,jealous of her looking at Luke,and jealous because she wasn't called a b*tch or slut by anyone...Well,besides me.."She said.

I said the same thing to the boys,and tears were in their eyes.Arzalea was now crying,and she broke down.She fell onto her knees,causing my shades to fall into the sand.

"I-I'm sorry!"She cried."Whoa,you heard that?!"The boys shouted.I bent down and rubbed Arzalea's back."Guys,it was just Arzalea."I said.They all looked down,and their eyes widened.

"I-I can see her..."They all stuttered.They bent down,and they all looked into her eyes.She looked up at them,and we all pulled her into a hug.

"How come you can be touched?"Luke asked as we all pulled away.Arzalea shrugged."I just remember waking up on the beach.I was in all white,and a voice told me that I wasn't done yet."She said.

"Oh.."We all mumbled."But we have to get back home.."Calum said."Ok,but can I talk to Luke?"She asked.I grumbled curses to myself,and Michael rubbed my arms.

"Um,maybe tomorrow.Quinn doesn't seem ok with that."Luke said.Arzalea nodded."Bye guys."She said."Bye."We all said.We walked off,and I collected my things and stood back up."Come on Zeus,come on Rosa."I commanded.

Zeus grabbed his tennis ball and ran towards me.Rosa grabbed her ball of yarn and did the same."Ew,is that throw up?"Michael asked while looking behind some trees.

I then realised that it was mine,causing my eyes to widened.Michael looked at me,but I quickly looked away and got into the car.He sat down on my left,and Luke sat down on my right.

Zeus was on Calum's lap,and Rosa jumped up onto Michael's lap."What are you not telling us?"Michael asked."Its nothing.."I mumbled."Oh really?"He mumbled back."Michael it's nothing."I said a bit louder.Everyone looked back at us,and I looked down.

"What's wrong guys?"Calum asked."Quinn threw up behind some trees."Michael said quickly.I punched his arm,and he whimpered."Ow.."He whined.

"What?Why?"Everyone asked."I-I dunno...My stomach just felt weird,and it just came up."I said."Do you wanna go to the doctor?"Calum asked.I nodded no.

"I'll be fine Cal,don't worry."I said.He sighed but nodded.Ashton started up the car and drove off.

*25 minutes later*

We pulled up in front of our house,and we all got out of the car and went inside.Once Zeus and Rosa ran in,I closed the door and locked it.I walked upstairs and went into my room with Zeus and Rosa by my side.I closed the door behind me,and I went into the bathroom and started getting ready for bed.

*30 minutes later*

I laid down on my bed,and Zeus cuddled up with me along with Rosa.I smiled,took off my shades and snuggled my face in their fur.My door suddenly opened,causing me to sit up.

I saw Calum and Luke looking worried,and butterflies started to form in my stomach."Can we talk?"Calum asked.I nodded.He closed the door behind him,and they both sat down on my bed.

"Um,has your stomach been moving,or feeling weird?"Calum asked."Uh,yeah..It has,why?"I asked.

Their eyes widened,and they both looked at each other."Wh-What does that mean?"I asked."Y-Your pregnant.."

A/N How do you think Quinn will react?!How do you think LUKE will react?!

STAY TUNED💜☠💜ilysm

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