Leave Her Alone

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*Quinn's POV*

Luke and I pulled up at the school,and we both got off of the motorcycle and walked inside.I received a few stares,and I just looked down and kept on walking."Bye Luke."I mumbled."Bye babe."He mumbled as he kissed my cheek.Everyone gasped and started mumbling to each other.

"LUKE!!!!"I heard the gorilla Arzalea yell as she was walking towards Luke and I with her slutty friends.I felt fear flash through my body,causing me to hide behind Luke and grip onto his shirt."You left me for a slut I see?"She said while chuckling evilly.

My heart became heavy as she called me that.I would stay strong on the outside to show that she doesn't weaken me.But on the inside I'm hurt and broken because of her and my parents death.

"She's not what you think she is Arzalea...She's special,and she's nice.She wants to be nice to people but they never give her a chance just like you never gave her a chance."Luke said.I smiled slightly."She yelled at me when I accidentally spilled my water on her dumb drawing!She remembers..."She growled.

"Well maybe she was having a bad day.You can't blame her for that."He said.I sighed as I remembered when I snapped at her when I wasn't over my parents death.I was drawing a picture of them,and she accidentally spilled her water on it.

I just went off,and teachers had to calm me down like I had anger issues."I-I'm sorry..."I mumbled."What?"Luke mumbled.I stood by Luke's side and looked down.

"I-I went off because I was having a rough day...And I just had lots of anger inside of me,and I just let it out on you.And it's also because of the water you spilled on my drawing.That drawing was meant to be really special,but it was ruined so that made me even more angry."I said.

Arzalea walked up to me,and I looked up at her.She suddenly started laughing,causing me to lift my eyebrow."You think this is a--"She suddenly punched my nose,causing me to fall down and hold my nose.I whimpered as the pain spread through my nose,and I felt a tear come down my cheek.

"ARZALEA!!!"I heard a few booming voices shout."Quinn..."I heard Luke say as he touched me.I flinched away and cried even more.

I heard rain hitting on the roof of the school,and I heard soft thunder outside."Just leave me alone..."I whimpered.

I felt teachers help me up,and they walked me into the nurses office and looked at my nose making sure it wasn't broken.

*Luke's POV*

I sighed and looked down,feeling bad for Quinn.Arzalea was now getting on my last nerves,and I've honestly had enough of her attitude.I walked down my 10th grade hall,and I grabbed all of my books and went into class.

The bad part about it was that Arzalea was in there with her friends,and Quinn wasn't.Gladly my mates Calum,Ashton,and Michael were in the class,so I sat down next to Calum."Hey,where's that girl.....Um,Quinn?"Calum asked unsure if that's her name.

"She's in the nurses office...Arzalea punched her nose."I mumbled."Poor girl...Can we meet her?"Michael asked.I shrugged."If you see her or see her with me yeah sure."I said.

*15 minutes later/Quinn's POV*

I walked into my class with the nurse with me,and she went up to the teacher to tell her what held me back.I now had a small bandage across my nose because of what happened,but gladly it felt much better."Ok,Quinn go ahead and have a seat."My teacher said.

I shyly nodded and looked around the classroom.I saw that there was a seat in between Luke and another boy.I walked towards the seat and sat down next to them.The worst part was that Arzalea and her slutty squad were behind me.

Who knew what she was gonna do next.Luke looked over at me,and I looked over at him."You ok?"He asked.I shrugged."Sorta..."I mumbled.

I took out my sketch book and started to draw how I felt at the moment.I felt Luke and the boy staring at it,but I just ignored it and kept on drawing.I suddenly felt someone pull my hair,causing me to stop drawing and look behind me.Arzalea was talking to her friends like she did nothing wrong,and I turned back around and mumbled curse words under my breath as I proceeded with my sad drawing.

I suddenly felt paper hit the back of my head,and at this point I gripped onto my pencil and broke it.I calmed down,grabbed another pencil and kept on drawing.I then noticed that I was drawing Luke,Liz,Molly, Zeus,Rosa and I,causing me to smile slightly.

I suddenly felt something flick the back of my neck,and that was my breaking point."Sir I think I need to be excused from the classroom."I said as I shot up from my seat with anger in my voice.I felt angry tears in my eyes,and my lip was trembling.

"What's bothering you Miss Valentine?"He asked."Arzalea."I said quickly."You may be excused..."He said."Thank you."I said quickly.

I put my pencil down and stormed out of the classroom.I closed the door behind me,leaned my back against the wall and cried.'I can't do this...'I thought.

*Luke's POV*

The boys and I looked back at Arzalea,and I glared at her."If you touch or hurt Quinn again I'll hurt you before you can even reach her."I snapped.

She chuckled."Like you have the guts to hit a girl."She said."I've done it once..."I said."And I'm not afraid to do it again."

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