Worst Day Ever

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*Quinn's POV*

I sighed and put the marker down as I finally finished writing the science question I had earlier one hundred times.I grabbed my book bag and ran out of the building.I got onto my motorcycle,cranked it up,and sped off towards the hair salon.

*15 minutes later*

I pulled up in front of it and rushed in."Your late once again.Where have you been?"My manager asked as she crossed her arms."I-I had detention and my teacher--" "You can't do this when you know your working time.So I have decided right now to fire you."She snapped.I felt tears coming into my eyes."I-I have to get food for my pets a-and for myself.Where am I gonna get money?"I whimpered."I'm sure you can find another job."She said.I turned around and stormed out of the salon.I got onto my motorcycle and just sped off with tears in my eyes.

*10 minutes later*

My motorcycle suddenly started slowing down."No no no no no..."I mumbled to myself.I looked at the gas,and it was full.I pulled off on the side of the road,and that's when it completely shut down.I groaned and got off of it.I took out my phone and tried to call a mechanic,but I couldn't get any service.I sat down on the grass and cried because today has been the worst day of my life.I suddenly heard a car pull up,and I looked up.I saw two guys come out of the car,and they grabbed me and started hitting me and taking my clothes off."HEY!!!GET OFF OF ME!!!"I yelled as I kicked,screamed and cried loudly.My pants were now off,and I just went crazy.I heard a another car pull up,but I couldn't see anything because everything started to look blurry.I saw a figure come out of the car and fight off the two guys,but everything suddenly went black.

*2 1/2 hours later*

I woke up with a massive headache,and I felt warmer than usual.I opened my eyes,and I noticed that I was in a familiar house.I sat up and looked around,and I noticed that it was my old friends house that she used to own,but she moved out and never talked to me again."H-Hello?!"I called out.My headache became worst,and I groaned and laid back down along with closing my eyes.I heard someone coming down the stairs,but I couldn't open my eyes because my head and eyes were hurting badly."You ok love?"I heard Luke ask.I whimpered and nodded no."Is it ok if you take some Advil?"He asked.I nodded.After a while,I opened my eyes slightly,and he walked back up to the couch and sat down with water and pills in his hands.I sat up slightly and took the pills from him along with the water.I took the pills,and I just laid back down.A thought that sent shivers down my spine suddenly crossed my mind."Is Arzalea here?"I asked as so sat up."Yes,but she's sleeping."He said.What if she wakes up?"I asked as tears came into my eyes,and my body started shaking."No love,it'll be ok."Luke said as he pulled me into a hug."Besides,this is my house.Well,my mum's really,but if she tried anything,she won't be able to do so."He said.I wrapped my arms around his torso,but then I quickly let go because I didn't want to get to comfortable since he had a girlfriend.A Golden Retriever dog suddenly ran downstairs and sat down by Luke and I's side."And this is Molly,my dog."Luke said.I smiled,but then I remembered about Zeus and Rosa."Oh no,I have to get home."I said."Why?"Luke asked."My pets Rosa and Zeus haven't been fed.And then my motorcycle is still out on the side of the road somewhere."I said as I placed my face in my hands."I put your motorcycle in the back of my truck."He said."Oh thanks,but how will I--"I suddenly remembered what my old friend and I used to do.This house is right in front of mine,but you just had to go through the woods."You ok?"He asked."I can actually get home from here."I said."How?"He asked."Can you walk through the woods with me?"I asked."Sure,I'll get a flashlight."He said.I nodded.He got up and walked into the kitchen,and I stood up and just followed him.I suddenly saw an older woman sitting at the kitchen table reading a book.She looked up at me and smiled."Hello."She said.I shyly waved and smiled back."Hi."I said."Oh mum,this is Quinn.She needed some help because she's been having a rough night."Luke said."Oh ok,I'm Ms.Hemmings."She said.I nodded."I hope we see each other again sometime."She added."I hope so."I said while smiling."You ready?"Luke asked.I nodded.We walked out of the house through a back door and went into the woods.Luke turned on his flashlight,and let's just say that I was slightly scared out of my mind.I suddenly heard a twig crack,causing me to whimper and grip onto Luke.He chuckled and pulled me close to his body,causing me to blush.He actually felt warmer than most people,but I just ignored it and kept on walking through the woods.I suddenly heard a growl coming from near by,causing my body to shake in fear."Wh-What was that?"I asked with a shaky voice."I don't know."Luke said in a calm voice.A HUGE white wolf suddenly popped up out of know where and tackled me to the ground.I screamed and pushed its face away from mine.A bigger black wolf suddenly tackled it off of me,and it looked at me.I saw that Luke dropped his flashlight,but he was nowhere to be seen.I grabbed the flashlight and started rubbing towards my house.Once I came in front of it,I ran up to the front door and ran inside.I closed and locked the door and darted upstairs.I ran into my room,slammed and locked the door shut and got into my bed.I crawled under the covers and just cried my eyes out in fear.Zeus and Rosa crawled under the covers with me,and Zeus licked my tears away.They both laid down next to me,and I closed my eyes and SLOWLY fell asleep in fear of what I just saw.

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