This Is Best?!

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*Quinn's POV*

It's been a week since my house has burned down,and I was having a bit of a hard time.I started living with Luke last week,and he's been acting weird lately and he's been really pale like he did something.

Ashton,Michael, and Calum would visit us every other day just to see how Luke and I were doing.I've been throwing up a little bit,but overall I was ok.But now I was in my room doing my homework that was due tomorrow,but a note suddenly slipped through my door.I got up and picked it up.I started to read it:

Dear Quinn,
I can't stand to see you hurt everyday.I don't want you to go through this anymore because of Arzalea wanting me so badly.I've decided to just move in with her and get back together with her.I'm only doing this for your sake so you can stay safe.So from this point on,we are no longer together,but you'll always be in my heart.


I balled up the note,threw it down and started crying harshly.It started pouring ran outside,and it started thundering loudly with lightning sparks.I screamed,and that's when the ultimate storm started.

*Luke's POV*

It started pouring rain,and I knew exactly what was causing it.I felt a tear come down my cheek."It was supposed to be sunny today,I wonder what changed Mother Nature's mind."Arzalea said."Yeah...I wonder.."I lied.

I suddenly saw a car zoom passed us,and I could tell that it was my mum's car.I lifted my eyebrow but just ignored it.More tears starts coming down my cheeks,and I started to realise how much I really liked Quinn.

I honestly think I love her,I know it's a quick move but I honestly think I love her.We pulled up at Arzalea's house,and I carried an umbrella for both of us and walked inside with her.Once I closed the door,she pinned me down to the bed and kissed my neck softly.

I let out an accidental moan,and I bit my lip regretting that it came out."Now that we're alone..."She mumbled as she grinder against my member.

I whimpered as I felt my member rise up."Let's get to business like we wanted..."She mumbled.

*Quinn's POV*

Liz pulled up in front of the boys' house."Thank you."I said as I grabbed my bags.She nodded."If you need anything,just tell me."She said.

I nodded.I grabbed Zeus and Rosa's leash and lead them out of the car.We ran out of the rain,and I knocked on the door.After a few seconds,Calum opened it,and he gasped."Quinn!Whats wrong?"He asked as he let me,Rosa,and Zeus in.

"L-Luke...He left me to so call "save me from getting hurt",but it didn't help at all."I cried.Calum pulled me into a tight hug,and I cried into his shoulder.

"N-Not only that,he went to Arzalea and got her to go out with him again so she could leave me alone."I cried into his shoulder."Want me to beat up the bastard for you?"Calum asked."N-No...I mean,you can punch him once and I'll be satisfied."I said.

"Ok.."Calum said as he rubbed my back."Let's get you dried up."He said.I nodded".Guys!Quinn is here!"Calum shouted.

"MY LITTLE KITTEN IS HERE!!!"I heard Michael squeal as he trotted down the stairs."Oh no,what happened?"The boys asked as they all hugged me.

"Luke and Arzalea happened...But Luke did it so I wouldn't get hurt anymore."I said."Aww.."They all said.

"I'm gonna punch him next time I see him..."Ashton mumbled."Same here mate."Calum said.We pulled away from the hug,and Ashton and Calum high-fived each other.

I gave myself a face palm and wrapped my arms around Michael."And Luke broke up with me and explained everything through a note..."I whimpered.

"Oh no he didn't,I'm gonna punch him more than once and beat up Arzalea while I'm at it."Michael said."Michael it's ok--" "No it's not.Your sweet but I'm different.If someone needs to learn a lesson,I make sure they do."Michael said.

I smiled slightly and kissed his cheek."You guys are too sweet,yet aggressive."I said.They all shrugged."But let's get you upstairs,and we have a surprise for you."Calum said.

"Ok.."I mumbled.He held me close as we walked upstairs,and we walked into a beautiful galaxy bedroom!"Whoa..."I mumbled.

   This looks just like the room from my dream

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This looks just like the room from my dream.I saw Zeus and Rosa come into the room,and Zeus whimpered."I'll take care of Quinn,you guys can tend to Zeus and Rosa."Michael said.

The boys nodded and took Zeus and Rosa out of the room.Michael grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me.He rubbed his hands up and down my arms,and I could tell that he was a bit mad.

"What's wrong?"I asked."The fact that Luke left you to so call make you feel better."He said sarcastically.

"Eh,it's ok.I can see why...But it honestly hurts even more because he left me when he promised not to,and then I can see why he left me because Arzalea has better features than me--" "Don't say that."Michael growled.

"But it's true--" "No it's not.Your beautiful Quinn,so don't say things like that about yourself."He said as he dried my hair."Um...Thanks I guess."I mumbled as I looked down.

Michael tilted my head up and looked into my eyes."You know I mean it right?"He asked."Yeah,I know you do Michael."I mumbled.

He suddenly pecked my lips and then pulled away.I bit my lip and blushed.We sat down in a awkward silence,and I blushed even more."Um.."We both mumbled.

"I need to get freshened up so I can get some rest..."I mumbled."Ok,do you need any clothes?"He asked."No...I have my own."I said."Ok,if you need anything just yell."He said.I nodded.

He kissed my cheek and walked out of the room.I squealed because he literally kissed me,and it made me feel good."Are you ok?"Michael asked as he rushed back into the room.

"Oh uh,yeah...I'm good."I said while smiling uncontrollably.He lifted his eyebrow but left.I giggled,closed my door and started getting ready for bed.

*30 minutes later*

I walked out of my bathroom,and I saw that Zeus and Rosa were laying down on my bed looking shiny and fresh.I smiled slightly and got in the bed."Hey,I just came to say good night."Michael said as he walked in with his Pokemon pyjamas on.

I snickered and put my face in my pillow."Don't judge me."Michael said.I started laughing,and I felt his arms wrap around me.I smiled and sat up.

A bunch of sadness suddenly hit me,and I started crying."What's wrong?"Michael asked."I-I miss Luke..."I whimpered."Aww..."He said as he rocked me back and forth.

"Can you stay with me?"I asked."Sure."He said.He pulled away from me and laid down behind me.

I laid down,and Michael's arms wrapped around me and pulled me close.Zeus laid down on the edge of the round bed with Rosa.I closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep.

A/N I'm sorry for the long and sad chapter!!! But I'm happy to keep you waiting for what's gonna happen😈😈ily

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