A Thing?

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*Quinn's POV*

I woke up,hearing beeping noises from beside me.I let out a heavy breath and opened my eyes.I saw that Luke was sleeping and holding my hand,and Mrs.Hemmings was sleeping in a chair.I squeezed his hand and closed my eyes again so I could relax my body.

I then realised that my shades weren't on,causing me to panic.I looked around for them,but they weren't there.I just grabbed Luke's shades that were on his face and put them on.'He won't mind...Will he?'I thought.

I just shrugged and stared at him.'I can't believe he jumped in front of me like that today.Or was it yesterday?I dunno anymore!'I thought.Luke's grip suddenly tightened on my hand as he started to move around.I pretended to fall asleep.

I heard him sigh and chuckle."Quinn,I know your awake because you have my shades."I heard him say."You don't know that..."I mumbled.We both laughed,and I opened my eyes and looked at him."You lost your shades didn't you?"He asked.I nodded.

"Aw,well until we can find you some new ones you can have mine."He said."Really?"I asked.He nodded."They suit you well."He said as he pinched my cheeks.I giggled."Thanks."I mumbled while blushing.

He nodded."And uh...One more thing."He said as he stood up and sat down on the hospital bed with me."Will you be mine?"He asked once again."Maybe..."I said as I was copying the words I said yesterday.

He chuckled and kissed me softly."Of course I will."I mumbled against his lips.He smiled into the kiss and slid his hands down to my thigh.'What is up with his hand and my thigh?'I thought.

"Umm...Guys."I heard Mrs.Hemmings say.We automatically pulled away and blushed.She rolled her eyes and chuckled."You two are perfect."She said.I smiled shyly."Did you ask her out?"She added.Luke nodded."Good."She said.

The doctor soon came in and said that I could go home.Surprisingly he didn't tell me that my parents had to sign anything which is good because I don't have them with me anymore."Oh,and make sure you don't hit your head on anything.Take it easy for a couple of days."The doctor added.

We all nodded,and he walked out of the room."Wanna do home now?"Luke asked.I smiled and nodded.I stood up,and he pulled me close to his side and walked out of the room with Mrs.Hemmings in front of us.

Luke's hand made its way over to mine and intertwined our fingers.I smiled.We walked outside,and I just followed them because I have no clue where they parked.

Once we walked up to Luke's truck,I noticed that there were only two seats."Your gonna have to sit on my lap."Luke said as he patted his lap.I groaned and blushed harshly.

I climbed up in the trunk and sat down on his lap.He closed the door and locked them,but then his mum was smiling while looking at us."What?"We both asked."Nothing."She said quickly.

Luke and I chuckled.She started the trunk up and drove off.I suddenly felt Luke's arms wrap around my waist a bit tighter,and he pulled me closer to his body.I moved my hair over to the side and placed my arm over his shoulders.He rested his head on my arm,and I rested my head on top of his.I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep in Luke's arms.

*25 minutes later*

I suddenly heard a camera go off,and I instantly looked up and opened my eyes.I saw Mrs.Hemmings taking pictures of us with her professional camera,and I blushed harshly.She stopped and hid it behind her back.

"S-Sorry,I just wanted to take them for my--" "Your photography company,I know.Luke told me about it.I don't really mind because he took a few pictures of me and a few of my cat and dog.Did you see them?"I asked."He showed me,they were really pretty.And your pets are cute by the way."She said.

"Thanks."I said.I looked down at Luke,and he was still sleeping."Luke..."I mumbled as I shook his head softly."Wakey wakey..."I mumbled.He groaned but didn't open his eyes.I poked his cheek,and he smiled slightly and playfully swatted my finger away.

"Leave me and my beautiful sleeping self alone."He mumbled.Mrs.Hemmings and I laughed,and Luke finally opened his eyes and hugged me softly.I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back.

I heard Mrs.Hemmings snap a few pictures,and I giggled.We pulled away from each other,and we all got out of the truck.We all walked inside,and we all received greets from Molly,Rosa,and Zeus.

I giggled and petted all of their heads."Do you want to have dinner with us since its 8:00 already?"Mrs.Hemmings asked."Umm...Sure."I said nervously.Luke came over to me and pulled me into a hug."Don't be nervous love."He mumbled.

I blushed and smiled slightly as he called me love."Ok."I mumbled.I felt his lips purposely graze across my neck and cheek,causing me to blush even more!

We walked over to the kitchen table and sat down.Mrs.Hemmings placed a bowl of spaghetti on the table for her,but then a bigger bowl for Luke and I."I-Uh,mum."Luke growled as he glared at her.

She shrugged and smiled."Luke,you can go up to your room and eat with Quinn.Just in case you two kiss or something,I won't have to see it."She said while chuckling.I nervously looked down and blushed.

Now that she mentioned it,I just remembered that Luke has taken my first kiss.I smiled slightly."Ok ok mum,we get it."Luke said while chuckling."Let's go upstairs Quinn."Luke said as he picked up the bowl of spaghetti and stood up.I stood up with him and walked out of the kitchen.

"Don't knock her up Luke!"I heard Mrs.Hemmings shout.Luke rolled his eyes."Mum!"He growled as he ran up the stairs with me."What does that mean?"I asked."Nothing...It means nothing love."He said quickly while blushing.

A/N Mrs.Hemmings is so chill😂😂Thanks for enjoying my book so far💖I love you guys😝😘😍

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