Everything was set. There was a huge round table next to the lake for the family and many more small tables around it for the other guests. The fountain right at the midst of the lake was shining bright like a crystal under the moon. The colour scheme was purple, I guess, since everything and anything I could see was Purple and baby pink. The decorations weren't over the top. But it was classy and elegant. It almost looked surreal.

We made our places on our seats. I was seated next to Liam with my parents next to me. To Liam's right were his parents followed by his elder brother, Josh and younger sister, Ruth. They all did look serene but I could make out the hesitation on their faces. They all knew about this contract. But fortunately no one wanted to speak about it.

Within minutes, Josh stood up with a glass of wine in his hand. He picked up a spoon and dashed it lightly with his glass, gesturing everyone to pay attention. Within seconds the whole expanse became quiet and Josh smiled, buttoning the top of his blazer.

"Now that I have your attention," He started,"I would like to speak some lines on the newly married couple."He said with a huge beam on his face. I looked at Liam and he was smiling at his elder brother.

"I still remember the day Liam came upto me and said 'I'm getting married'. I was like 'WHAT?' and I went in coma for the next 2 years." The crowd gave a small laughter. "No seriously, my dear Tiara. You look gorgeous today, by the way. Is it true that girls become much more beautiful when they get married? Looking at you, it definitely is." No, they become annoyingly angry when they marry someone of not their choice.

"So when Liam asked me to be his best man, I naturally had many questions. What have I done to receive such an honour? Did anyone else reject his plea? Was I the last person he could come up with? I obviously, accepted his invitation only on his expense of getting drunk." The crowd chuckled. This guy was surely good at giving speeches.

"But today I would also like you all to thank me. For starters, I got him on the venue on time, he does look sober, and yes he is well dressed as well. Well, that's quite an achievement if you all have a look on his past tracks." He smiled to himself. The whole world knows about Liam's past track and the newspaper headlines surfaced in my mind.

"But on a serious note, Tiara, Liam is one hell of a guy. He sure does have a very loving side which you will discover. He has a heart of gold. And an ego of the size of Europe, though. But that's for you to break. 

I hope you both have an amazing married life. Well, I would just give a tip to you, Liam. Never go to sleep without sorting an arguement out. I can just say that in the 5 years of marriage Stephanie and i had together, we had only one fight. Which is still going on.." The crowd burst out laughing to this. I already like Josh Payne. He seems like a good fellow.

"Thank you everyone who was paying attention. And to the ones who I could hear snoring, get back to sleep. Dad you're next." He smiled and sat down.

Liam's father looked like the old school principal who was now about to bore everyone with his speech. He had a cut out of paper cleanly folded in one of his pockets. He removed it out and placed his spectacles on his nose. He smiled to everyone and started off.

"For those you don't know me, which is rare, I'm Liam's father and now, Tiara's father-in-law James Payne. I would love to thank everyone of you present out here to come and participate with us in our festivities." Brace yourself.

"Your presence shows your friendship and love for my as well as the William family. It is indeed a special joy to see everyone looking so impeccably dressed and smiling that it brings tears to my eyes. I would want to thank everyone who made today possible. i'm not here for a speech exactly. But just a few mentions. My wife, Karen Payne, who looks utterly gorgeous, thank you for everything. My son, Josh, well, that was a nice speech. Glad you didn't waste the days given to you for that. ruth you look like a doll. My William family, now we have an official relationship. Williams and Payne will reach new heights now. And last but definitely not the least, the couple. Liam, you are married now finally. It's almost surreal. And Tiara, you are smart." He trailed off. He just did not say that in public. 

"I have a few lines for the couple.

Never marry but for love but see that thou what is lovely. He that minds a body but not the soul has not the better part of the relationship, and will consequently lack the noblest comfort of a married life. Let not enjoyment and affection lessen. But only tears and arguement. For we shall see how apart you can be if love can ever be intact.

My best wishes." He finally said.

That wasn't that a bad speech. But now my heart racened when I saw who was next. Andrew Williams, my father. He stood up and my heart beat  pacened. I swear to lord, I couldn't see him cry. I know he would.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I hope I covered everyone in that." he joked. "I don't really have a speech for the evening. I know, being the bride's father I don't have a speech. Well, I just have a few memories I would want to tell you all. I hope that's alright."

"Firstly I would like to thank you all for coming. Especially the ones who knew I was going to say a word or two." he chukled. " When Katherine told me she was pregnant, I just couldn't comprehend my feelings. I always heard tales of people telling me about their stories. But this time it was about me. My happiness knew no bounds and I took Katherine in my arms and swung her around the room."

"Then after 6 months, Tiara was born. When Kathrine complained to me about her labour pains, I freaked out. I just saw in movies what were we supposed to do and actually ran down our corridor to get hot water and scissors! She shouted at me to get her to the hospital and that's when my brain started functioning. Within hours Tiara was born. And my world changed completely when I caught her in my arms. That day my world was in my arms." Tears started building in my eyes, Today was no day to catch them back. I was allowed to cry today. No one could stop me, not even Dad.

"She was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. The dazzling brown eyes were no match to my oak coloured ones. She was fragile and weak that I was scared to even catch her. From that day I became her father. And I promised myself that I would be her friend, bodyguard, councellor and everything what she wanted me to. I would be her king, she was my princess."

"She grew up too fast. Her teenage days were not troublesome. She wasn't a troubled child. She was a straight A student, well behaved and would do anything for her father. And now she makes me proud as she is the editor of the best newspaper company and a copywriter as well."

"But today as i give my child to this great man, I promise myself that even though my princess is set to get her prince, her saviour, her world, I would continue to be her king. I am just too blessed by getting Tiara as my daughter. And Liam, you are honoured to get her as your wedded wife." His voice cracked. He was just about to cry.

"Tiara, I love you. I will miss seeing your angelic face every morning, your tantrums of what to wear to work, your continuous questions about gaining weight, all the love that you showered on me, all the things you did to me. I will never be able to pay back, but you are everything to me. Have a lovely life, lovely children and maybe name someone Andrew." He tried to chuckle within the tears.

That was the best speech I had every heard of.


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