Chapter 21: Happily Ever After ... Or Not

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I sighed, 'How about we go to the Rec Room and talk about it there?'

With murmurs of agreement. I struggled out of bed and hobbled to the door. Halfway there, I stumbled and Hazel caught me. Blood pounded in my head, and my ankle burned.

'You ok?' she asked worriedly.

'Yeah,' I said, 'Just a little dizzy.'

'Leo, I'm-'

'You say your sorry one more time, I'll set fire to your jeans.'

She smiled hesitantly and I started whistling, "This Girl is on Fire," as innocently as I could.

Outside, the sun was low in the sky, meaning that it was still early morning. I smiled and turned my head to the sun, happily soaking in it's warmth.

I managed to walk halfway to the Big House without any assistance, which was a good sign that my strength was returning. Being in prison messed up my head more than I thought.

We were close to the volleyball pit when we heard a yell from Half-Blood Hill. It was hard to see with the sun glaring down, but I thought I saw a dark haired girl waving her arms.

'Who's that?' I muttered.

Hazel narrowed her eyes, 'Let's find out.'

The five of us bolted the rest of the way to Thalia's pine where Jason, Piper and Frank had already gathered. I could hear the sounds of a fight; metal clanging on metal.

I was about to ask why the others were just standing there with their mouths open, when I reached the top of the hill and gaped along with them.

Annabeth and Percy stood there, back to back, fighting of a horde of hellhounds.

Hazel, Luke, Clarisse and Travis stumbled to a stop right behind me. Luke seemed to freeze and immediately sunk to his knees, sword clattering out of his limp hands.

'No,' he breathed, 'Not again.'

I didn't understand what he was talking about and I didn't ask. Annabeth and Percy were really starting to struggle against the wall of sharp teeth and red eyes.

I didn't wait for the others. I sprinted down the hill, fire flickering to life in my palms. Man, it was good to have that power back.

I flung two fireballs at the nearest demon dogs. I pulled a hammer out of my tool belt (yes, I still have my tool belt) and chucked it at another.

I reached into my tool belt for another hammer and came out with nothing. Damn recharge.

Reluctantly, I drew my sword, Iginis. The celestial black seemed to almost glow with firelight. That gave me an idea.

I focused a burst of fire from my hand and it shot down the length of the blade, lighting the metal as it went. Awesome. Now I have a flaming sword.

I ducked under the teeth of one hellhound and sliced through another. I thrust my sword just in time to deflect a claw from decapitating Percy.

The clang made him jump around to face me. He was wearing a cloak the definitely wasn't from Chaos. I could tell because this one was completely black, and Chaos' ones were silver on the inside.

'Leo!' he shouted, 'Am I glad to see you!'

'Ditto,' I yelled back, 'How about we catch up when we're not about to die?'

'Sounds good to me.'

Annabeth glanced back at me, but I had my hood up. She wouldn't know who I was, but she had heard Percy shout my name.

Epsilon and his Army of Chaos (Watty's 2013) [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt