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Title of book: Amnicity

Author/Username: Michele_Mene

Category, Eg. Teenfiction/Romance/Mystery: Romance/Historical Fiction/Teen Fiction

Story Tags: love, princess stories

Story Description:

Amnicity was certain of her place when entering into society: She would be the Princess of Vetus, the only princess in all the lands, and center of all attention.  However, instead of drowning within compliments, she finds herself as a pawn within the ongoing battles for power.  Princess Amnicity of Vetus quickly learns there is so much more her people need from her than a lady in a pretty dress.


"There is little difference between a Princess and a pawn, even less between a General and King.  In the case of the princess, she is easily sacrificed, bendable to the wills of others.  Yes, more wine.  A simple tool for the true game.  In the case of a general, he is everything a good king should be.  A leader, a warrior, with an innate ability to strike fear within enemies.  Unfortunately, neither are of true worth until they gain a kingship.  This wine is quite a nice year.  For the true power is within the crest.  Only then will a general or princess be able to act upon their own wills with the protection of a nation, commoner pawns really.  At such a time, the true wars of words and swords can begin," she sighed, before flicking his pawn off the table viciously.  "Such a black and white cliched truth really."


Why People Should Check Out Your Awesome Story?:

This story embraces cliches and has a bit of fun.  It is something that I have been working on for awhile, and I'm simply excited to share it.

Completed Or Uncompleted?: Incomplete

Shout outs, Eg to editors,cover makers,Fans of the story: Thanks for everyone who has voted for the story thus far.  

Date: 31/10/2013

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