London, I Confess... I'm That Girl

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Title of book: London, I Confess... I'm That Girl

Author/Username: Michele_Mene

Category, Eg. Teenfiction/Romance/Mystery: Chicklit/Nonfiction/Humor

Story Tags: London, online dating, romance, humor, funny, awkward, awkward moments, bullying

Story Description:

There would be no denying a lady such as myself loves romance.  Any lady who can claim a preference to the gentleman playing Mr Darcy in a film can only be deemed as a hopeless romantic, or possibly Mr Rochester’s crazy wife in Jane Eyre.  My life is the constant search for Mr Darcy while somehow living in London.  The use of the newest technological advances concerning the internet and social networking should only speed the process, really.  London, it is my confession to be that girl.  Now, concerning the gentlemen...


Why People Should Check Out Your Awesome Story?:

My story is like me, it is a bit of an odd-ball.  The story involves my experiences in London, and how my experience in online dating led to a slight catfish-esque situation.  Luckily, I knew the person existed.  The rest was the unlucky part?  

It is my hope that my experiences will be something other persons can relate to.  Especially for those who may have been bullied, worry about failing out of school, or others issues involved with growing up (e.g. fear of student loan debt).

Completed Or Uncompleted?: Completed

Shout outs, Eg to editors,cover makers,Fans of the story:

Thank you to everyone who has supported my writing.  I'm excited to bring London, I Confess... back to wattpad, and hope more people will enjoy it :)

Date: 13/10/1013

A Lil Ending Message: ( thoughts,advice, anything to say ):

Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate, and life don't wait.

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