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Check Out Ereithial2 Story!!

Title of book: Whitecraft

Author/Username: Timothy Hickson (Ereithial2 on Wattpad)

Category :High Fantasy - Mystery - Romance

Story Tags: Magic || Elements || Dragons || Elves || Dwarves ||Wizards || Atlantis

Story Description:

There Will Be Four

Friends Of Your Enemies

Destined To Save You

The prophecy had always been the hope of Alaria to win the war. The next four Guardians to come and bring balance and peace in the midst of the never-ending war with the darkest villain.

Matt, Simon, Valora and Sophie were already abnormal children before the fateful day when the darkest creatures tried to kill them. Discovering the ability to manipulate the elements, they are snatched from their previous life and announced the Guardians.

Facing war, politics, prejudice and enemies both within the city and outside it they realise the fate of both the Alarian and the human world rests on their shoulders.

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Why People Should Check Out Your Awesome Story?:

Because it's a story of more than just fantasy, it's a new world - the same world we all love to escape to when we are kids and I want my readers to do it again. This book is the beginning of a Saga that tells a story not of war, but how we mend the wrongs of the past. It begins with New Zealand, which is awesome and it's a decent, long plot which tonnes of things that will keep the reader interested! Assassination, plots, deceit, romance, hurt and plenty of action!

Completed Or Uncompleted?: Completed but not fully uploaded to Wattpad.

Date: 13th October 2012

~ Shared By Els ~

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