Karma is a Bitch

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Title of book: Karma is a Bitch

Author/Username: Chloe Bradshaw - AllYouNeedIsBlood

Category: Horror, mostly.

Story tags: Karma, Bitch, AllYouNeedIsBlood

Story description: Karma is a bitch. But when the President requests something out of the ordinary, a murderer is born.

Why people should check out my awesome story: Truth be told, I'm a fourteen year old girl with a passion for writing and this is the first story that I have felt so attached to! It's my original idea, and I have dreams of being publishes, but for that I need motivational comments, votes and reads. I want to be recognised for doing what I love the most.

Completed or Uncompleted: Uncompleted, though I am going to update frequently.

A Lil Ending Message: If you read my story, and vote, and comment: thank-you so very much. You are all the most wonderful people ever, and for a girl like me to have her story recognised... It's a dream come true. :3

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