Happiness Comes From The Strangest Places

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Check Out Melody_Horan Story!!

Title: Happiness Comes From The Strangest Places

Author/Username: Melody_Horan

Category: Teen fiction and Romance

Story Tags: Love- Hate - Drama - Abuse

Story Description:

Ainslee never thought her life would turn out this way. She thought her first boyfriend would be the love of her life, the one she'll have kids with, the one who would always be there for her, the one who will never hurt her. She was wrong. Dylan seemed to be the perfect guy but over time Ainslee's dreams were shattered by the constant abuse she came to bear by his hands. Distraught and shattered she left him to live in the world she no longer cared about. Her simple existence is something she struggled with each day. Ainslee never thought she would care about love again. But she was wrong. She never thought loving again would be so much simpler than it seems.


Why People Should Check Out Your Awesome Story?: Well, erm basically, oooh this is gunna be hard but basically if you like love/hate stories and there will be a lot of drama in it so yeah check it Out :)

Completed Or Uncompleted?: Ongoing

Shout outs: Erm, to@livetosmile who is editor and co-writer and@pand500 for basically giving the best advice

Date: Sunday 30th September 2012

Ending Message: Basically I would like to say thanks to all my fans for commenting, voting and messaging me basically it makes my day to know that my work goes un-noticed. I love you all very much! X

~ Shared By Els ~

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