A Beautiful Torment

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Check Out AuRevoirSimone Story!!

Title of book: A Beautiful Torment

Author/Username: AuRevoirSimone


Story Tags: Blood - Death - Demon - Dying - Fear - Isabel - Wyatt - Snow - Supernatural - Romance - Obsession - Temptation

Story Description:: When Isabel Devane finds Wyatt Blackwell, freezing cold and close to death, in the middle of the forest, she begins to realize that the bond between them is a lot deeper than superficial friendship. Confused and frightened by the depth of her feelings, she attempts to distance herself from the bad boy, but Wyatt is not one to be refused. As strange, supernatural things begin to disrupt Isabel's perfectly ordered life, will distancing herself from the source save her from certain death? Or is Wyatt's protection the only thing standing between safety and the loss of something infinitely more precious than life - like her soul? A coming of age story, spanning four years.


Why People Should Check Out Your Awesome Story?: I read a lot of fantasy and paranormal themed books, but the heroine is always an outcast amongst her peers. With this story, I wanted to write a supernatural love story, but I also wanted to make it more believable and like an extension from a normal, high school experience. I think I'm managing that pretty well?

Completed Or Uncompleted: Uncompleted

Shout outs,: @NeonBlueStrobeLights who pimps my story like crazy!

Date: Monday 1st October 2012

A Lil Ending Message: I will actually love each and everyone one of you individually forever if you read my story. 

~ Shared By Els ~

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