The Other Side

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Title Of Book: The Other Side

Author/Username: Abnormal_girl_

Catergory, Eg. Teenfiction/Romance/Mystery: Mystery/Adventure/Teenfiction

Story Tags: Ghosts | Mysteries | Other side

Story Description:: What would you do if you woke up in the middle of a forest with no memory, no help, nothing at all except for the trees surrounding you? Perhaps, you'd run? You'd assume you just tripped down a hill and you carry on with this new life, find your way out and start off fresh. Well, that's what Trinity Greyham tried to do. But there is no escape from her side, the dead side. 

She's tried finding a way out, tried everything she could. It's just no use. No human can hear or see her, until one ghost-whisperer comes into town. Will this new stranger be her way out of this 'Ghost Town' ? Or will she just become a faded memory for eternity?


Why People Should Check Out Your Awesome Story?: I want this book to be enjoyable for alot of people, something they love reading and in most parts relate to, and i also want to become a author writing teenfiction books for all kinds of teens, kids, or even adults. 

Completed or Uncompleted?: Uncompleted 

Shoutouts, Eg to editors, Cover Makers, Fans of the story: Shout out to@Addywalker278 for reading most of my stories and being so nice

A Lil Ending Message: (Thoughts,advice,anything to say): I have fun writing these kinds of stories and i hope you find it fun to read this book, Also updating may take awhile i am very busy even over summer but it won't take to long 

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