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Title of book: THE CYCLE

Author/Username: HerbanLegend

Category: Teen Fiction/Romance

Story Tags: Interracial, Urban, High, School, Summer, Love, Bad, Boy, Good, Girl, Cycle, Heartbreak, Road, Trip

Story Description:: 

Bad boys aren’t born, they’re made. And they all stem from the same creator—heartbreak. There's always that naive innocent girl that tries to fix them and more often than not ends up worse for the wear afterwards. This book will delve into this heartbreak, through the eyes of Carter, a good guy turned bad boy, and Chrysanthemum, a good girl that is determined to follow in the footsteps of so many before her. Join us as we take a look from a unique perspective at the root of all heartbreak : The Cycle.


Why People Should Check Out Your Awesome Story?: It takes the cliche "good girl meets bad boy" story and does something original and innovative with it. The writing is actual book-quality, and it has a sequel being written now, so you should catch up while you can.

Completed Or Uncompleted?: Completed

Shout outs,  I'd like to thank the fans of the story. :)

Date: 05/01/2014

A Lil Ending Message:

If you like original stories, well written fiction, copious amounts of marijuana, or stories written from a guy's perspective, stop by my profile.

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